President Trump should check the jury pool

At this writing, it appears that the trial of President Trump will take place in the Fort Pierce Courthouse in Florida, and the N.Y. Times noted that the jury pool will politically favor President Trump.  Although there is some truth to that statement, which acknowledges the political nature of the trial, the real question is, "What is the NYT's narrative?"  Is it to blunt the fallout from the dreaded acquittal or to amplify the public impact of the desired guilty verdict?  It is too early for the former.  But how could the NYT be so confident of victory that it would commit ink so far in advance to prepare the narrative?  Well, how could Pelosi routinely brag that the Democrats would win elections and be right more often than not?

Both elections and the venire (the people summoned to jury duty) depend upon voter registration rolls.

Democrats know about voter registration rolls.

It would not be difficult to alter the software to summon only registered Democrats.

Am I being paranoid?  There are two answers to this.

On a personal level, I trusted William Barr.  I even made excuses for him at first.  But after learning that his first job was with the CIA, I cannot avoid concluding that he was part of a swamp scheme that included Mueller and Durham.  Barr is now saying President Trump is "toast," which sounds like "mission accomplished."  Barr seems unconcerned about the jury pool.  That worries me.

On a legal level, the venire list for a particular panel is public record unless the court orders otherwise.  The judicial system acknowledges that there is a public interest in ensuring the fair selection of jurors.

It would be prudent for President Trump's attorneys to obtain the venire list and confirm that it is a random sample of the voter registration list.  Trust, but verify.

Centinel is a pen name meant to recollect the insight and prescience of the Anti-Federalists.

Image: National Archives.

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