'Walmart Melania' and the cheap-shot leftist media

An article by executive editor of the Daily Beast, Katie Baker, called Casey DeSantis "Walmart Melania."  This is a hit piece against the Florida first lady, and the governor himself, for trying to imitate the Kennedys' Camelot and for being fakes.  Baker also made a reference to Lady MacBeth, as another viral article by Politico did.  Throughout the piece, Baker continues to make unsavory comparisons of the DeSantises and the Trumps. 

The article first mentions Casey DeSantis's leather jacket, which she wore to a biker rally and which says on the back, "Where Woke Goes to Die," with a picture of an alligator and an outlined drawing of the state of Florida.  Baker sneered at the fashion statement, calling it "ghastly," and said it looked as though it had come from a "Red State big-bin store where it would be retailing for $24.99."  She also compared it to Melania Trump's "Really Don't Care Do U'' jacket.

Baker jabs at Gov. DeSantis's, policies, criticizing him as the reason why so many people died from COVID in Florida and for banning certain books and the AP African-American Studies course from schools.  Baker fails to recognize that Florida is a retirement state, so the people who did die were the most at risk.  Florida banned books that are inappropriate for children, such as books that depict pornography.  The true crime of this is that the authors are targeting children.  Florida rejected AP African-American Studies to be taught in schools, citing the content as untrue and violating state law on how race should be taught, but allowed for reconsideration if the AP program changed its content, which it did.  The College Board scrapped Critical Race Theory and made modern topics like the Black Lives Matter movement optional.  The Florida governor has yet to reconsider his decision.

Baker tries to attack Casey by trying to connect her jacket to her husband's policies.  She comes off as not only an incredibly judgmental woman who doesn't know anything about fashion, but also someone who just doesn't know anything at all. 

Baker insinuates that Casey DeSantis is a "wannabe" Jackie Kennedy who doesn't actually have anything in common with her.  Jackie was a strong woman, seeing her husband get shot and still getting up every day to be a devoted mother.  Casey survived breast cancer.  They both stood by their husbands throughout every step of their political journey.

Casey is one of Ron's greatest political assets. Casey fights back against mainstream media and is outspoken.  She volunteered to help communities that were affected by Hurricane Ian.  Casey used her position to support and empower Florida's adoptive and foster families.  These are only some of her greatest accomplishments as first lady.

So what — because Casey doesn't just shut up and smile, she is not entitled to the same amount of respect as one of the U.S.'s most iconic first ladies?  How misogynistic is that?  It's funny, because I remember a first lady who was not only outspoken to the media, but also worked to help our nation's children, and I don't remember the media ever bashing her to this degree.  Maybe it's because she was a Democrat. 

Baker rails against the DeSantises for being out of touch with reality when most of their policies and what they stand for are more in line with the values of the average American than those of AOC, a former bartender.  She then accuses the DeSantises of trying to imitate the Trumps when, not five seconds ago, she called them wannabe Kennedys.  Which is it, Katie?  The DeSantises are nothing like the Trumps and are not trying to be.  They are more disciplined and less controversial, personally, not politically.  Whereas Trump picks fights with everyone, DeSantis picks his battles.  DeSantis is focused on winning this election, while Trump has a bunch of court cases in different states.  The whole point of him running for president is that he believes that he is a better choice than Trump.

Baker goes on to say that Casey DeSantis and Melania Trump will never compare to Michelle Obama and "Dr." Jill Biden.  She even called Bernie Sanders's inaugural mittens "fashion."  Not even Bernie Sanders himself would agree.

The bias is outstanding.  Did she not see Casey's long golden dress that she wore to her husband's second gubernatorial inauguration?  She looked like a star.  She shined in that room, just as a woman whose husband just won an election in a landslide should.  Or how Melania Trump literally looked like Princess Diana when she wore a white Dolce & Gabana midi dress and hat when she visited Queen Elizabeth?

Nor should Baker be comparing Melania and Casey to Michelle and Dr. Jill on class.  Michelle Obama said she was never proud of her country until her husband got elected.  Dr. Jill compared Latinos to breakfast tacos.

In all seriousness, all the first ladies look excellent, and Casey DeSantis should not be singled out just because her fashion statements are more bold.

The fact is, Katie Baker is unfairly targeting Casey DeSantis because she doesn't agree with her political beliefs and is using something as trivial as fashion to make a "fiery" piece about how much the DeSantises suck.  How pathetic is that?  You can't find anything truly awful about her, so you have to resort to your own nonexistent fashion taste?

Casey DeSantis isn't a "Walmart Melania."  She's the embodiment of a first lady. 

Image: Casey DeSantis.  Credit: First Coast News via YouTube, CC BY 3.0 (cropped).

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