Which party is divisive and acts more like dictators?

Donald Trump's general philosophy was to give more power and money back to the people.  For that, the media and other Democrats repeatedly lied by calling him an authoritarian.  He was also called divisive.  In fact, he was compared to Hitler, and I do not recall the media lecturing Democrats for using divisive terms.

Two powerful House Democrats have invoked Adolf Hitler's actions in Germany and the treatment of Jews during World War I and in the 1920s to warn against the direction the US is moving in, with both saying Donald Trump's presidency presents an unprecedented threat to democracy.

Thirteen Similarities Between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler

Meanwhile, Biden seeks to transfer more power and money to the government and continually calls those who disagree with him "white supremacists" and "domestic terrorists."

The Justice Department is clearly politicized to target Trump and parents who dare speak out against policies they disagree with.  They compared parents at meetings to domestic terrorists to shut them up.  They went after Catholics.

Hillary and Joe, who mishandled classified documents and committed other crimes, have never been charged, while Trump has been targeted in search of crimes for over seven years.

And now the media are lecturing Trump and other Republicans for being divisive by pointing out what the tactics of the Biden administration look like.

Trump and other Republicans conjure a familiar enemy in attacking Democrats as 'communists'

Lashing out after his arraignment on federal charges last week, Donald Trump took aim at President Joe Biden and Democrats with language that seemed to evoke another era: He was being persecuted, he said, by "Marxists" and "communists."

Trump has used the labels since he first appeared on the political scene, but it lately has become an omnipresent attack line that also has been deployed by other Republicans. The rhetoric is both inaccurate and potentially dangerous because it attempts to demonize an entire party with a description that has long been associated with America's enemies.

And suddenly, after years of slow investigations, Hunter Biden is going to get a slap on the wrist from the Justice Department for gun and tax charges.  He will have to spend his probation in rented mansions and the White House.

Hunter Biden will plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and can avoid prosecution on a gun charge.

Under a deal with the Justice Department, the president's son agreed to probation for filing his taxes late, and he can avoid a charge that he lied about his drug use when he purchased a handgun.

Meanwhile, trespassers in the U.S. Capitol are sentenced to harsh jail time.  This shows how little the Justice Department cares about taxes and guns when a special person is involved. 

I can see the talking points now: the media and other Democrats will say this shows that we have an independent Justice Department, and no one is above the law. 

What a crock!

Caricature by Donkey Hotey, CC BY 2.0 license.

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