Unsolved Mysteries, DC Edition

The old TV series Unsolved Mysteries apparently lives on, streaming on Hulu (I don’t subscribe, so can’t verify that it is currently available). But everyone loves a mysterious story that remains a puzzle.

Except when the solution to the mystery might reflect badly on the ruling class, or its lackeys in the Democrat party, then our media display a remarkable indifference, almost a code of silence, a political version of omerta. In fact, the Mafia associations of that word seem particularly apt.

Consider three unsolved mysteries that, if they involved Trump or any other Republican, would be hammered home constantly by the media, demanding a solution from the FBI, Secret Service, Supreme Court and the US Marshals, CIA, etc.

When was the last time you saw anything in the legacy media demanding a solution to:

  1. The Supreme Court leak
  2. The pipe bomber who left his or her handiwork outside the DNC and RNC and January 6, 2021. Considering the vast amount of investigative resources spent identifying grannies who were close to the US Capitol then, it is distinctly odd that no progress has been made.
  3. And now, the White House cocaine discovery, which has been “wrapped up” as unsolvable by the Secret Service, thereby forever tainting that once-revered organization as a source of political hackery. Stand by for any further curiosity from conservative media to be tarred as a “conspiracy theory.”

The memory holing of these mysteries is yet another sign that we have become a banana republic. I am so old that I remember when we were a democratic republic.

Oh, and by the way, what ever happened to all those recordings that Jeffrey Epstein made of his guests?

Hat tip: Lenny Nalty

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