Fighting for survival in the belly of the beast

Did you ever feel that the two major political parties are involved in a personal vendetta, similar to turf wars between organized crime syndicates?  Republicans and Democrats seem to be fighting their own private wars, mostly to gain political points for each party, while the masses of people they supposedly represent are merely insignificant pawns in a power-hungry chess game between omnipotent oligarchs.  Keep in mind that those elected officials almost never disagree with the party-line policies they embraced when running for office.  That's because they want support when it comes time for their reelection.  Therefore, even if Congressman A has changed his mind on a policy being promoted by his party, he is reluctant to oppose it, even if it may be detrimental to the country.

That's how political parties keep their members in line.  You're one of them until your opinion changes on an issue they advocate.  What does that do to the independent-minded leader who used to reason things out and make his own decisions?  He either falls in line or suddenly sees his future in politics ebbing.  Maybe he thinks it's morally perverse to allow transgender drag shows for children.  However, if his party has the strong backing of radicals who are in favor of such an abomination, does he go against his deeply held convictions by agreeing with them?

Is an influential position so important that it will change a good man into an evil one?  Such moral dilemmas are integrity tests that we face as a nation.  If a leader from an opposing party submits an idea that would benefit most Americans, should it be rejected on the grounds that your party didn't come up with it first?  There was a time when bipartisan agreement could be reached on some of the important issues up for debate.  Not anymore!  This is especially true if it's an issue supported by former president Donald Trump.  Whether you're a fan of Trump or not, if you're honest, you must agree that he had many important accomplishments during his first term.

Nevertheless, the moment Democrats got back in power, they began to unravel every successful and beneficial achievement that enriched our country.  Again, it's because anything that Trump or other Republicans are for, Democrats must be against.  Under Trump's leadership, in 2018, the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world's largest producer of crude oil.  Yet, immediately after taking office, President Biden revoked the permit for the 1,200-mile Keystone XL pipeline system, which carried crude oil from Canada to the U.S.  The concomitant huge price increase at the gas pumps meant nothing to the new regime in Washington.  They'd rather submit to the radical environmentalists in their party, even if it meant that our enemies had a surplus of oil at a time when it was needed at home.

At times, it seems as though the Biden administration is at war with its own country.  The wall being built along our southern border was also quickly ended by a stroke of Biden's pen.  Since then, our country has been inundated by massive numbers of illegal aliens who feel that Biden has given them the right to invade our sovereignty as a nation.  

These are only a couple of Trump's policies that were unceremoniously discarded in favor of opposite policies.  Once again, there were no compromises, no negotiations, no measuring of benefits — just sweeping opposition to everything supported by the other party, and tens of millions of other Americans.

Is it reasonable to conclude that every proposal by an opposing party should be DOA?  How often do we hear a Democrat agree with a Republican on an issue, or vice versa?  In fact, each party waits to hear how the opposing party feels on an issue before making up its mind to take a stand against it.  Essentially, it proves that we're in a war between two political entities, and we, the people, have nothing to say about it.  Sure, we get a chance to vote every couple of years, but we're just voting for politicians who have allegiance to their respective parties, rather than to the entire country they supposedly represent.

Making decisions based on which way the wind is blowing is not a leadership trait.  Standing up for what you believe, irrespective of the consequences, is the measure of a true leader.  How many do you see in our government today?  As for me, I see only a few, but the one who stands out above them all is Donald Trump.  I've never witnessed so much vicious abuse and defamation against anyone, in or out of public office, as that which has been thrust upon the former chief executive.  Moreover, I've never seen anyone with the strength, courage, and endurance to withstand nonstop vilification.  Watching him stand at the podiums, in city after city, and continue to fight the corrupt powers in Washington that have relentlessly and unjustly pummeled him gives me hope for our country.

We are witnessing a true patriot, a man who is willing to take the brutal assault for the country he loves.  When Trump ran for president, he entered the belly of the beast.  Knowing the consequences of such a hazardous endeavor did not deter him.  May God be with him as he continues to fight the beast that must conquer him if it expects to come for us.  As he has said many times, "They're not after me.  They're after you.  I'm just in their way."

Image via Raw Pixel.

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