Hunter Biden's substance abuse 'cure'?

As a physician-psychiatrist, I was the medical director of a substance abuse unit at a U.S. naval hospital.  After my military service, I worked at a V.A. hospital with substance abuse patients.  In my private practice, I also did psychodrama treatments with substance abuse inpatients and outpatients.  I have observed during clinical work successful recoveries from cocaine, opiate, and alcohol addiction and abuse.  Many of these success narratives involved the long-valued Twelve Step AA approach.

I have never examined Hunter Biden, but I have reviewed videotapes of his behaviors and his writings and observed the media reports about his and his immediate family's behavior and his family of origin's behaviors.  In my opinion, Hunter's behaviors and those of the Biden family do not look like those of a successful recovery treatment result, especially twelve-step treatments.

When Hunter Biden had overseas business dealings in Ukraine, China, and other countries, it is not clear why he would travel on Air Force II with his father, V.P. Biden, during those trips.  Joe Biden claims he never talked to his son, Hunter, about his business dealings.  But was Joe Biden in denial about Hunter's substance abuse or his questionable business practices?  Obama administration officials raised such concerns about Hunter's business role.  While it certainly is private medical information, it would be helpful to know what means Hunter used in his apparent recovery from cocaine addiction.  And what about his ongoing sobriety maintenance?

The current high-stress, high-society atmosphere of the White House social domain and travel with a busy American president is not in my opinion a very good recovery sobriety maintenance program.  Has the Secret Service been employed to help supervise Hunter's recovery?

Hunter's artwork is certainly a potential "art therapy" aid to his recovery from cocaine, but politically oriented financial remuneration could take away from Hunter's independent vocational efforts and genuine self-esteem.

Hunter Biden's behavior toward his out-of-wedlock daughter Navy and her mother raises questions about Hunter's genuine recovery from cocaine addiction.  Not only have no apparent amends been offered to Navy and her mother, but Hunter Biden is making every effort not to appropriately support his little daughter financially and emotionally.  Apparently, Hunter's father Joe and his stepmother Jill are also seeking to deny the family connection to little Navy and embrace her with family love.  All of these would accompany a successful recovery from cocaine abuse by Hunter.

In my work with persons seeking cure of substance addictions, it has been rewarding to observe their recoveries.  I have also seen the too frequent and often painful relapses.  In the situation of Hunter Biden's "cure" or clean-up, I see elements of denial and possible enabling of his addiction.

 Peter A. Olsson, M.D. is a retired professor of psychiatry. 

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