In an American first, cocaine was found in the White House

At first, it was scary: a bag of white powder was found in the White House's West Wing, causing the Secret Service to do a partial evacuation.  However, once it became known that the white powder in the White House was cocaine, that opened the way to some interesting questions.  Is there a Biden staffer (or more than one) who uses cocaine while working for a person who is theoretically the most powerful man in the world?  Or has Hunter Biden, an acknowledged serious drug addict who's allegedly "clean" and who's been hanging around the White House lately, relapsed?

The story broke via Twitter when people noticed a White House shutdown:

Then HAZMAT (Hazardous Material) crews appeared:

At that point, everyone is probably thinking, "Anthrax!"  I know I was.  But, while I'm no fan of the current administration, the last thing I want is a terrorist attack on the White House.  That's why it was a relief to learn that it wasn't anthrax.  Instead, as the whole event went from hypothetical terrorism to actual farce, the suspicious white powder (because, of course, that's what caused the scare...a suspicious white powder) was cocaine or, as Andrew Leyden tactfully said, "Cocaine Hydrochloride":

Once upon a time, the idea that anyone would bring cocaine into the West Wing was ludicrous.  The heart of our American government should be a drug-free zone.  Or at least an illicit drug–free zone.  After all, we now know that John F. Kennedy was an extremely unhealthy man despite that "healthy" tan.  He went through his presidency hopped up on legally prescribed meds, some of which were mood- and brain-altering:

The medical records reveal that Kennedy variously took codeine, Demerol and methadone for pain; Ritalin, a stimulant; meprobamate andlibrium for anxiety; barbiturates for sleep; thyroid hormone; and injections of a blood derivative, gamma globulin, a medicine that combats infections.

During the Bay of Pigs fiasco in 1961, and the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962, Kennedy was taking steroids for his Addison's disease, painkillers for his back, anti-spasmodics for his colitis, antibiotics for urinary tract infections, antihistamines for his allergies, and on at least one occasion, an anti-psychotic drug to treat a severe mood change that Jackie Kennedy believed was brought on by the antihistamines.

And if we're honest, we all suspect that Joe Biden is on any number of prescription medicines to keep him upright and semi-coherent.

Cocaine's presence in the West Wing leads to two worrisome thoughts.  The first is that someone who works closely with the president (or maybe more than one person) is a user.  In these unstable times, it's concerning that Biden may be getting advice from drug users.

Alternatively, we've just learned that the whole narrative about Hunter Biden being clean and sober is a complete lie.  Biden's corrupt, debauched son could be back to his old ways.  Aside from being distasteful, having a cocaine user in the first family is dangerous.  The risks of blackmail or leaked information increase exponentially.

If the cocaine is Hunter's, that matters.  Given that the FBI knew all along that the hard drive was real and that the insights it gave us into Hunter's sexual and drug debauchery were real, too, the American people should be furiously angry that, because of Deep State fraud, they were prevented from keeping a drug addict out of the White House.

Image: Hunter Biden from his hard drive.

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