Is the King of Jordan abdicating?

The president of the Jordan Coalition for Change, Abedalelah Amaala, tweeted on June 29 (translated from Arabic)

Abdullah II, Rania, his son Hussein, his hope, his prime minister and his entire government are outside Jordan in a tourist resort. Jordan is on the brink of collapse

What this may mean is that King Abdullah II is abdicating along with his government.

King Abdullah II of Jordan.

The Jordan Option called for his abdication in 2017 and the change of Jordan into a republic lead by Mudar Zahran.  This is great news for Israel, as Zahran wants to cooperate with Israel, not confront her.  He intends to reaffirm the Jordanian citizenship of all Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.  Thus, Israel will be able to annex most of the land without the need to give a path to citizenship for the local Arabs.  Furthermore, Zahran will effectively replace the Palestinian Authority, and UNRWA will be done away with.

The next day, the secretary general of the Jordan Opposition Coalition, Mudar Zahran, tweeted:

A day earlier, he had tweeted (translated from Arabic):

The remembrance benefits the believers;
One people, not two peoples, in spite of the crow of the clear..
The map of Palestine approved by the League of Nations in 1917, starting from the Jaffa Sea and ending at the Iraqi Trebil borders.
Churchill established the Principality of Transjordan as an experimental Palestinian "autonomy", and the residents of eastern Palestine used the Palestinian passport until 1948, and the Palestinian pound until 1952, as there was no Jordanian dinar before this date[.] ...

The future is a new arrangement of peace and fair prosperity for the inhabitants of historic Palestine in both its Arab parts (Jordan and the areas of the West Bank) and Jewish Palestine (Israel). The overthrow of the marginals and their henchmen, the Eliasin Sarsour, is one of the inevitabilities of the coming future as a first step for the stability and prosperity of the entire planet[.]

This actualization was set in motion at a conference on the Jordan Option held in the Begin Center on Oct 17, 2017.  (Here are Ted Belman's remarks at Jordan Option Conference in 2017.)

One year later, I wrote "Trump's Deal of the Century, AKA The Jordan Option."

According to a very well-informed source (and reiterated in 2022) , the administration of the A areas, will pass from the PA to Jordan. These areas include, Tulkarn, Qalkilya, Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah, Bethlehem and Jericho. The B areas will be absorbed into the C area in order to remove the Swiss cheese effect. Hebron, on the other hand will be administered by a joint local council made up of Israelis and Palestinians. This is the Confederation that Abbas rejected a few weeks ago.

My source also tells me that the Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip will be given the option of being in a confederation either with Jordan or Egypt. Either way, negotiating a Gaza truce is part of the deal.

This means that the PA will be done away with because its primary function is to wage war against Israel's legitimacy.

All Palestinians living west of the River will be seen as both Jordanian citizens and foreign residents. There will be no need to give them Israeli citizenship.

Then, on Aug. 28, 2022, I wrote "The Genesis of the Jordan Option and 'Confederation with Jordan.'"  It is self-explanatory.

I explained "How the Jordan Option will impact Israel" and "Who is Mudar Zahran and why is he important?"

It is not clear to me what is meant by "confederation."  I hope it does not mean that Jordan will be the sovereign of the "areas of the West Bank."  I have suggested many times to Mudar Zahran that Israel should be the sovereign and that said lands could be leased to Jordan for a long time.

We will all have to see how that plays out.

Photo credit: Chatham HouseCC BY 2.0 license.

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