Just another sunny summer day in the 'hood in Chicago

AT co-founder Richard Baehr has quipped that the poor marksmanship of Chicago's gangbangers has saved thousands of lives over the years.  As anyone perusing the data provided by the website heyjackass.com can confirm, they are mostly poor shots.  For example, year to date:

Shot & Killed: 306
Shot & Wounded: 1250
Total Shot: 1556
Total Homicides: 334

But it is still comparatively rare to see the lack of training in action.  This tweet from Saturday, showing video of a Facebook live feed, demonstrates that (fortunately) not a lot of time is devoted to practice at a firing range.  But be warned that vulgar language aplenty, along with attempted and bungled murder, is to be experienced if you devote 90 seconds to it:

Photo credit: Twitter video screen grab (cropped).

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