Maureen Dowd can't seem to figure out who the liar-in-chief is

Whenever I see a column in the New York Times by Maureen Dowd, writing about our liar-in-chief, I assume that she is talking about the current commander-in-chief, who has been a congenital liar his entire life. 

The Moment of Truth for Our Liar in Chief

After all, Joe Biden has lied continuously throughout his Washington career.

He lies about big and little things.

Here is a small sample:

He lied about his college rank and grades at law school. 

He plagiarized a speech as he ran for president in 1988.  The media chased him from that race

  • Joe Biden has plagiarized from speeches, essays, and policy positions throughout his entire life
  • As a student at Syracuse Law School in 1965, Biden plagiarized 5-pages from a law review journal "without quotation or attribution"
  • During his failed 1988 presidential campaign, Biden plagiarized from speeches by British politician Neil KinnockRobert Kennedy, and President John F. Kennedy

He continues to lie about what Trump said in Charlottesville to gin up racial hate and division.

He lied when he said Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation during a debate with Trump.  (He clearly knew the truth.)

He continues to lie that no one in his family ever made money from foreign sources and that he never talked to Hunter or anyone in his family about their business dealings.

He continues to lie that he inherited a bad economy.  The economy was growing rapidly when he took office. 

He lied that there were no vaccines available when he took office.

He lied that inflation was caused by Russia and the supply chain when inflation took off as soon as he forced his radically destructive government spending on the American people. 

He lied that the border was under control.

And he continues to lie that his policies cut the deficit in half. 

But nope, the column in the Times was talking about Trump, not Biden.

Maybe Maureen Dowd also thinks Trump won in 2020 and is still the chief. 

Here are a few excerpts from Dowd's column: 

A man is running to run the government he tried to overthrow while he was running it, even as he is running to stay ahead of the law.

Would Trump have authorized National Guard troops to the Capitol if he really wanted to overthrow the government?  Sadly, House speaker Nancy Pelosi didn't do her job to secure the Capitol, and sadly, the media never cared about the truth. 

A Capitol Police timeline of the days and weeks surrounding Jan. 6 shows former President Donald Trump's Department of Defense (DOD) offered the National Guard's assistance in the days leading up to the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol, validating claims from Trump administration officials that were said to be false by liberal fact-checkers.

Would Trump have told the people at his January 6 rally to march peacefully and patriotically if he wanted the rally to be violent?  The media and other Democrats, along with some Republicans, also bury that truth.

I do not recall the media saying that Democrats wanted to overthrow the government when they challenged the 2000, 2004, and 2016 election and supported riots.

Dowd then asks:

The question now is: Has Trump finally run out of time, thanks to Jack Smith, who runs marathons as an Ironman triathlete? Are those ever-loving walls really closing in this time?

Dowd loves all the leaks and charges from Smith's office but doesn't care that the current commander-in-chief illegally took classified documents and mishandled them.  Why are there no leaks and charges from Biden's special counsel, since no one is supposedly above the law, and everyone is treated equally by this "independent" Justice Department?

We were expecting an epic clash when Robert Mueller was appointed in 2017 as a special counsel to head the investigation into ties between Trump's campaign and Russia and his potential obstruction of justice. It was the flamboyant flimflam man vs. the buttoned-down, buttoned-up boy scout.

Mueller, who had been a decorated Marine in Vietnam, was such a straight arrow that he never even deviated to wear a blue shirt when he ran the F.B.I.

Amid the Trump administration chaos, Mueller ran a disciplined, airtight operation as special counsel, assembling a dream team of legal talent. But regarding obstruction of justice, the final report was flaccid, waffling, legalistic.

And Dowd loved Mueller's dream team, filled with Hillary-supporters, who did a two-year witch hunt on Trump searching in vain for fictional Russian collusion.

After all, the media, Justice Department, and other Democrats had spread the lie to the public that Trump had colluded with Russia, and surely these leftists could find it or create it.

Trump always told the truth that it was a hoax, yet he is called the liar.

The reason the Mueller dream team didn't leak is because the leaks would have had to be how many Justice officials had lied to the FISA court and that Hillary and the DNC had perpetuated a massive fraud on the American people with the fictional Russian dossier.

What this article does not show is any lies by Trump.

Anyone who believed the Russian collusion story probably still believes that Biden never talked to Hunter about his business dealings.  Such people must be toting off the same bong as Hunter's friend and benefactor.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia CommonsCC BY-SA 2.0.

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