Revisiting whether COVID-19 really killed several anti-vax conservative radio hosts

At the height of the COVID-19 fear porn propaganda campaign in 2021, we were bombarded with “news” of several prominent anti-mask and anti-COVID-19 vaccine conservative media personalities who died after contracting COVID-19.

The “experts” assured us that these deaths were absolutely caused by COVID-19. Any other theory or narrative from qualified medical professionals was heresy, and anyone who advanced such a position risked banishment from social media, firing, and possible loss of his or her medical license.

Then, last May, a study was published that indicated that many, if not the majority, of COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized, placed on ventilators, and subsequently died had Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia. Since alternative treatments were, in effect, prohibited by federal regulatory agencies and financially incentivized hospital policies, these patients were given the toxic combination of officially approved Remdesivir and ventilator intubation. (See here and here.)

Alternative treatments such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were maligned as being “horse medicine“ and “fish tank cleaner,” respectively, despite being approved for humans decades earlier. “Dr. Science,” Anthony Fauci, led the charge against allowing physicians to use them off-label. Again, many state medical boards threatened doctors’ licenses in order to enforce their strict COVID-19 vaccine / ventilator / Remdesivir protocol.

Image: Ventilator equipment. YouTube screen grab.

In any case, the deaths of these men and other prominent anti-COVID vaccine / anti-mask conservatives deserve renewed investigation, given new studies that have been published since they died. It’s interesting that the senior author of one study has subsequently attempted to “clarify” the results of the Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia COVID-19 patient death study. I suspect that he may have been pressured by his superiors to issue that statement to stem the likely wrath of Big Pharma and the Biden Administration had the original interpretation been allowed to stand.

A similar “clarification” of an earlier statement by a Nobel Prize winner, the late Dr. Kary Mullis, regarding the competency and ethics of Dr. Fauci was made posthumously by Fauci’s defenders in the mainstream media. It’s clear from this video clip, though, that Dr. Mullis had nothing but contempt for Fauci and Fauci’s misuse of the PCR test during the AIDS crisis:

Yet, after this video went viral, many in the MSM conducted damage control, suggesting that, because Mullis’s comments were made decades ago during the AIDS crisis, they may not have reflected his opinion of Fauci prior to Mullis’s death in 2019.

The Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia issue in relation to the deaths of these conservative media figures must be explored further. In addition, the hostility demonstrated by healthcare providers against the unvaccinated must also be taken into consideration, especially during the height of the lockdown in 2021.

This hostility was taken to another level if the patient’s active anti-vax and anti-mask feelings were known to the true-believing staff.

It is essential that we find out if Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia played a major role in these men’s death since the mainstream media used this story to browbeat and effectively coerce the unvaccinated into reluctantly taking the insufficiently tested and potentially dangerous COVID-19 vaccines. And that is a shameful disgrace for both the media and the medical establishment.

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