The battlefield is our children

In 1863, Lincoln penned his famous Gettysburg Address.  In it he makes this statement:

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war.

And, indeed, today we are as well.  There are those who call it a war against bigotry.  It isn't.  They call it a war against a phobia.  It isn't.  They even call it a war against supremacy.  It isn't that, either.  What it is is a war against the very soul of America.

Our battlefields are as varied as those in any war.  But the greatest battlefield of our day is our children.  The objective?  To take their innocence and convert them into preprogrammed minions of the super-class — that is, those who deem themselves the intelligentsia, those who know best how we all should live.  And like in any war, the victors shall dictate the terms of surrender.

We must remember that we are indeed in a war.  This isn't a drill or a skirmish.  This is the real thing.  We've been in this war for decades, and for decades the enemy has known it and has relentlessly prosecuted it.  The defenders, on the other hand, remain in denial, believing that if we acquiesce enough, they'll quit, and we'll all just get along.  It didn't work in Czechoslovakia, and it isn't going to work here.

Our children and their innocence deserve our protection, and that means we stop the steady self-sabotaging subjugation to their language, their bullying, and their shaming.  Yes, we know they're wrong.  We must stop fearing saying so.

Image via Pexels.

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