The dysfunctions of society basically stem from a lack of trust

Whom do you trust?  We generally consider a human to be trustworthy if he is moral or ethical, is honest, dependable, competent, and friendly and can communicate well.  Take away some or most of these personality traits, and a human's trustworthiness decreases accordingly.

If trust does not exist in a marriage, then it can become hell on earth and is doomed to fail sooner or later.  A spouse who lies, is deceptive, is secretive, undependable and incompetent and communicates poorly can be a nightmare to live with.

The reputation of an organization is a function of how many trustworthy individuals it employs.  If untrustworthy individuals are not removed from an organization, then it is only a matter of time before the morale of the entire institution is ruined, and with the loss of good morale, the organization will soon cease to exist.

The age of the internet has created an almost worldwide ability to access whom you want to communicate with and has created an almost unlimited source of international information.  On the negative side, internet freedom has also created armies of predatory criminals and liars who are untrustworthy and prowl the internet, looking for victims to rip off.  The internet is rife with misinformation, conspiracy theories, and tech censorship, which is severely threatening the reputation of the internet as being a source of trustworthy information.

Trust is a fundamental pillar of society and plays a crucial role in its proper functioning.

Trust enables cooperation and collaboration.  It facilitates working together toward common goals.  When individuals trust one another, they are more likely to cooperate, share resources, and collaborate effectively.  This cooperation is vital for almost all societal structures, such as businesses, governments, communities, and families, to function smoothly.

Trust is the foundation of economic transactions.  A market economy assumes that buyers and sellers must trust one another to engage in fair trade.  Trust in the stability of the currency, legal system, and contracts allows economic activity to flourish.  Without trust, economic exchanges become uncertain, hindering investment, growth, and prosperity.

Trust fosters social stability by reducing conflict and promoting social cohesion.  When humans trust one another, they are more inclined to resolve conflicts peacefully, engage in constructive dialogue, and find common ground.  Trust also contributes to social harmony and reduces the likelihood of violence or social unrest.

Trust is crucial for the functioning of institutions and governance systems.  Humans must trust their leaders, public officials, and institutions to act in their best interest and uphold the rule of law.  When trust erodes, it can lead to a loss of confidence in institutions, political instability, and a breakdown of social order.  The problem with all governmental tyrannies like Russia and China is that they can't be trusted ideologically, economically, and militarily.

Trust facilitates the flow of information and knowledge within a society.  When humans trust the sources of information, they are more likely to share knowledge, engage in open discussions, and seek different perspectives.  Trust is especially important in the digital age, where misinformation and distrust can hinder the dissemination of accurate information.

Trust is vital for building and maintaining social relationships.  Whether it is friendships, family bonds, or professional networks, trust provides the foundation for strong and meaningful connections.  Trusting relationships enhance overall well-being, happiness, and a sense of belonging in society.

In summary, trust is essential for society to function properly as it enables cooperation, facilitates economic transactions, promotes social stability, supports effective governance, encourages knowledge exchange, and nurtures social relationships.  Without trust, societal systems become fragile, hindering progress and undermining the fabric of a harmonious and prosperous society.

Graphic credit: Nick YoungsonCC BY-SA 3.0Alpha Stock Images.

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