When (if ever) will the impeachment proceedings begin?

In the tradition of no-action jawbone master Trey Gowdy, Republicans are once again talking a good game when it comes to holding corrupt Democrats accountable.  However, within the same Gowdy tradition, the GOP base is treated to the same old inaction that we have sadly gotten used to.

The abused base now expects (or at least hopes for) lively dog and pony shows with hearings into Biden family crimes and payoffs, Merrick Garland's weaponization of federal law enforcement, and Alejandro Mayorkas's open-border shenanigans.  The base also knows that at the end of the day, the GOP leadership will use these hearings for campaign sound bites, but, despite ample evidence of wrongdoing, they will most likely sit on their hands and do nothing further.

This leads to much head-scratching and wondering why the House leadership is so reluctant to initiate well deserved impeachment proceedings for all of the above-named scoundrels.  I suspect the answer lies in the history of the FBI as well as the other alphabet agencies that constitute the so-called "Intelligence Community."

Image: Mailboxes at Durham, NH by Ben Schumin.  CC BY-SA 2.0.

The late FBI director-for-life J. Edgar Hoover figured out the key to swamp creature job security several decades ago.  The secret is intelligence-gathering, blackmail, and coercion.  Compile a file or "dossier" on your political opponents, and make them an offer they can't refuse once they move to investigate you or threaten your D.C. fiefdom.

Could this be what is happening to the GOP leadership with respect to initiating impeachment proceedings against the bad actors in the Biden administration, including Old Joe himself?  For a refresher, consider Lois Lerner's handiwork during the Obama administration.

Perhaps the only way to get the GOP leadership to pursue impeachment against these scoundrels is constant pressure from the base.  Whenever GOP leaders appear at town halls, concerned citizens should ask questions during the Q-and-A session that embarrass and ridicule these officials for their inaction.  In addition, citizens should write letters to sympathetic and influential conservative media outlets that D.C. insiders follow.  Also, members of the base who have the talent and ability to create effective memes should highlight the lack of impeachments, with the goal of making the memes go viral.

Lastly, old-school letters to GOP representatives' district and D.C. offices may also move the impeachment needle.  Email is good, but U.S. Mail is especially effective because far fewer people send hard-copy letters.  The Republican leadership needs to know that the base is engaged and monitoring this issue.  If they believe that their constituents are apathetic regarding impeachment, it will surely be business as usual.

The window of opportunity to hold Biden and his minions accountable is rapidly closing.  If we allow the GOP to squander this chance to bring a halt to the far-left nonsense we've been subjected to for the last two and a half years, we have only ourselves to blame, and future generations will certainly curse us for our inaction.

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