Biden condemns Russia's jailing of opposition leader Navalny: This. Is. Rich.

The White House is mighty upset about this headline:
They sprang to action with this stern warming, something that must have Vlad Putin quaking in his boots:

Price also condemned the court’s “sham ruling” of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny Tuesday, calling it “the latest in a series of attempts to silence Navalny and other opposition figures and independent voices.”

Navalny was sentenced to nine more years in prison in a move that was seen as an attempt to keep Putin’s biggest foe behind bars for as long as possible.

The new sentence follows a year-long crackdown by Putin on Navalny’s supporters, other opposition activists and independent journalists in which authorities appear eager to stifle all dissent.

The 45-year-old Navalny, who in 2020 survived a poisoning with a nerve agent that he blames on the Kremlin, is already serving 2½ years in a penal colony east of Moscow for a parole violation.

This. Is. Rich.
The Obama administration, the Justice Department and the Biden administration have been targeting and imprisoning people surrounding President Trump for years, solely because they are political opponents. 
How many people are in jail who protested and trespassed at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, mostly peacefully, in opposition to Biden winning the election? Many have been dished long sentences out of proportion to any crime committed and certainly in harsher terms than what the "Summer of Love" antifa rioters, looters, and firebugs got. 
How many years can Trump get sentenced to for protesting the election based on the charges from a partisan hack named Jack Smith and a judge who likes to impose harsh sentences on protesters of an election? 
But the Biden administration. is outraged that a Russian leader would try and sentence a political opponent. 
Can anyone in the media spot the hypocrisy and how they support imprisoning people for political opposition while they never support imprisoning anyone who protested the 2000, 2004, and 2016 elections because Democrats lost those elections? 
Can anyone imagine the outrage if George Bush or Donald Trump had arrested people who protested the elections they won?
Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License
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