Brett Baier must not moderate the Republican debate

Brett Baier is not qualified to moderate the Republican debate on August 23 in Milwaukee.  Mr. Baier had a much-publicized interview with President Trump a month ago.  This interview amply demonstrated Baier's antipathy toward the president.  Most of the time, he appeared to be cordial towards the president; however, when Trump brought up the topic of the stolen election, Baier became abusively hostile and interrupted his guest incessantly and would not let the president talk.

Right after the election, the charges of fraud surfaced, and at every opportunity, the Republicans were asked by the media and Democrats if the election was stolen and derided anyone who agreed that it was and demanded a denunciation of that charge.  Many Republicans who were sceptical of an honest election caved and denied any electoral chicanery.  "This was the most honest election ever" became the media mantra.  Later, we learned there was plenty of interference.  The letter signed by 51 former security officials claiming Russian disinformation regarding the Hunter Biden laptop, along with interference by the FBI, CIA, DoJ, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, is all well documented.  All this interference plus ballot irregularities amounts to stealing the election.  You can call it "disinformation" or anything you like, but it helped to throw the election.  The evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible that the 2020 election was stolen.

Brett Baier is either willfully ignorant of these events or simply biased.  Either way, he is unfit to be a moderator.  His hostility and bias disqualify him.  He is a Chris Wallace wannabe and just as hostile as Leslie Stahl.

Please, don't replace Baier with Neil Cavuto, who surprisingly is worse than Baier.  Cavuto invariably has Chris Christie, Karl Rove, or Asa Hutchinson on just to bash President Trump, and all happily comply.  Rove always has his whiteboard and manipulates facts to bash President Trump.  He must not be anywhere near a camera or microphone.

One question at the debate will come up: "Will you support whoever will be the nominee?"  If President Trump does participate in the debate, he must answer a qualified, "Yes, and I expect that if I win, all Republican lawmakers including Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and Mitt Romney will actively campaign and fundraise for me.  And I include Paul Ryan and Ronna Romney McDaniel to do so as well."  If the Republican class does not entirely support Trump as the nominee, any resulting loss will not be the fault of President Trump, but the fault of the NeverTrumps and the lukewarm ones.

I'm tired of hearing that President Trump is a three-time loser — elections of 2018, 2020 and 2022.  Those losses were caused by the Republicans who opposed Trump and sabotaged those campaigns.  They are the ones responsible for the mess we're in with the Biden regime.  President Trump did not lose those elections.

Apparently, Tucker Carlson is still officially an employee of Fox News.  Tucker would be a great replacement for Brett and would treat all with honesty and would be a top draw.

Never submit or compromise.

Image: Gage Skidmore.

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