If God does not exist, then where does America end up?

Are you really surprised at the cultural rot currently assaulting our American way of life?  If you subscribe to a transcendent morality, you shouldn't be, because it is evident that America has become godless.

In The Brothers Karamazov, Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky outlined that without the existence of God, there is no standard of good, no objective truth, and thus everything is permitted.  Our Founders understood that for a republic to flourish, it must have a foundational standard of truth and justice — not a theocracy, but a form of government shaped by the idea that there is a holy God, a Divine Providence, who demands fealty to basic biblical truth and morality.  That standard of ordered liberty, those unalienable rights endowed by Nature's God, were set forth in the Declaration and the Constitution for a "moral people."  Because we are abandoning every shred of Ten Commandments decency, and genuflecting to the almighty god of tolerance, the "everything is permitted" part is destroying our American way of life.

Consider our public education system.  Educators and school boards advocate for sexual materials and pornography in our schools, and they indoctrinate and confuse the most vulnerable members of our society, our children.  Yes, this is a slippery slope.  Since everything is permitted, our children are now encouraged to question their own sex.  And don't stop at questioning; you may be a female (recall XX chromosomes), but if you think and feel you may be a male, go ahead and "transition" with "gender affirming care," which includes hormones and "top surgery"!  Parents, either wrest control of your school boards, or get your kids out of the public school system.

Next, let us consider our two-tiered system of justice.   If you are an illegal alien, you can lawlessly breach our border, and you will be given all the basic necessities, courtesy of those religious NGOs and the U.S. government.  Cartels brazenly traffic horrific killer drugs like fentanyl.  They traffic women and children for sexual slavery.  See the important movie Sound of Freedom.

Members of that illustrious group Antifa feel free to riot, destroy, and set fire to any city where their idea of justice is violated.  Contrast this with the J6 Americans, some of whom were arrested via SWAT teams in the early morning hours, overcharged with ridiculous crimes, and denied bail for over two years for simply walking around the Capitol taking touristy photos.  Many defendants' due process rights under Amendments V, VI, and VIII of the Constitution, such as bail, speedy trials, and a jury of one's peers, have been violated, and they have been denied exculpatory "Brady" material.  And now we have been subjected to the grossly unjust spectacle of the indictment of former president Trump in the J6 "insurrection."  But then, everything is permitted.

Finally, we cannot forget the massive psy-op against the American people regarding COVID-19 and the "vaccine" that our so-called elite promised was "safe and effective."  This essay can only draw attention to the lies upon lies about the origin of the virus as well as the dangerous side-effects from the shot spewed by government leaders, medical professionals, and the media.  As late as March of 2023, Dr. Fauci and his posse were gaslighting the American public, suggesting that the virus may have originated in "raccoon dogs," when the evidence pointed to a lab leak.  But you see, everything is permitted.

An obvious question to those who subscribe to a transcendent morality is, where is the Church?  Most pulpits are silent, tolerant, and weak, relieved to avoid any whiff of "politics."  Very few churches were even willing to take a stand and stay open during the covid lockdowns.  Vicious and wicked leaders, winsome frauds, and media charlatans foist all manner of perversion, filth, and injustice upon us, and there is very little pushback from the Church.  Whatever happened to the biblical command to "demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God"?  Can a holy God countenance all of this?

And all of the above has just scratches the surface of America's cultural rot.  Americans who have not been totally propagandized and brainwashed understand that we must live that basic morality and not the big lie, no matter the cost.

So how do we reclaim our republic?  It begins with crying out in repentance and prayer to a holy God and recognizing that without a basic standard of morality upholding our founding documents, and followed by the people, this republic will fall.  No amount of congressional strongly worded letters, pretend hearings, and tough talk will change things.  The American people must call on Divine Providence and appeal to the Supreme Judge of the world for mercy.  To all the Marxists, nihilists, fascists, neo-pagans, useful idiots and general totalitarians trying to destroy our way of life, everything is not permitted.

Image: Eric Fischer via Flickr, CC BY 2.0 (cropped).

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