More goals, fewer frowns

Who knew that I'd be talking about soccer after the baseball trading deadline? Well, I am talking the U.S. women's soccer team and the ladies who are not living up to expectations. This is the story from the land down under or wherever the tournament is being held:

The U.S. women’s national team advanced to the knockout stage of the Women’s World Cup on Tuesday with a draw against Portugal.

Neither team was able to put a goal on the board and the draw was one of the more surprising results of the tournament. The U.S. had been favored to win the tournament for the third consecutive time as Portugal was making its first Women’s World Cup appearance.

The U.S. finishes the group stage with two draws and one win. It’s the ninth straight time the Americans have advanced to the knockout stage but this time it was behind less-than-inspiring play.

"Less than inspiring play"? What a nice way to say that these ladies are not worth getting up at 2 a.m. to watch play.  

It's a shame that Zig Ziglar is not around to give the ladies a pep talk. Or maybe they can watch Rudy but that may be too much "toxic masculinity" for this collection of snobs.  

My guess is that these young women take themselves too seriously.  Someone has persuaded them that they are on a mission to change the world or be on the right side of history.  

We wish you the ladies well.  My suggestion is to have the coach take a page out of Billy Martin's "The Bronx Zoo."  Martin put the names in a hat and selected the lineup that way.  It worked because the Yankees started winning.  Here is the story:   

“I did it to relax the guys,” the manager said. “Besides, when you don't have any hot bats, it doesn't matter where they hit.”

That's right!  The young women are not scoring, so go crazy and pick the starter out of a MAGA hat.  It may work!   

And then tell them to smile and respect the national anthem.  

P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.

Image: Eric Drost

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