Stop pretending this is normal

The Constitution says we will have a national election in a bit more than a year. That is one of the more certain things and even that is being questioned.

Pundits are pretending that the coming election will happen and that it will happen with all the normal ups and downs. Polls are questionable in normal times. Prognosticating the future can be done with some accuracy in normal times. This is not a normal time.

This is a roller coaster in a freezing tornado: Not normal. It is like the weather, a coupled, nonlinear chaotic not normal system. No prediction beyond the next sunrise is certain. We are in a “hold tight and ride” mode and we do not know when this ride will end. Maybe it will never end. No one can know. Knowing things with certainty is part of normal.

I do machinery vibration analysis. Just before a machine crashes into useless scrap metal, the vibration is said to go nonlinear. A bad military engagement might go sideways. Some say we are going full-Alinsky. We are nonlinear, sideways, full-Alinsky, on steroids and it is nothing like normal.

How not normal is it?

Image: Not normal. Public domain image, edited.

On the Democrat side, the leading candidate for president is more suited to shuffling around a retirement home enjoying ice cream. His in-line replacement creates word salads that mean everything and nothing at the same time. His election was an unending series of not normal processes and procedures. The legitimacy of his questionable win cannot be questioned, and questioning might be illegal.

This Democrat front-runner or his family may have had illegal deals with foreign businesses, sending the money back to the “big guy.” There is a forgotten laptop with evidence of prostitutes, drug addiction, and foreign business dealings.

The DOJ has become the personal law firm for the Democrat administration by hiding embarrassing information and slowing congressional inquiries. Congress has so much to investigate that it seems to be overwhelmed into inaction.

The administration is promoting a disastrous energy policy that is a combination of fairy dust and magic beans while fiery train derailments and wildfire destruction of oceanfront communities are dismissed with comments of “No comment.”

On the Republican side, the leading candidate is under indictment in four (for now) different venues by local DAs and the DOJ, and they pinky finger promises that they’re not doing this for political reasons or coordinating. They created “crimes,” including moving boxes without permission from one secure storage location to another in a facility under guard by the Secret Service, asking for an investigation into an election that half the country thinks should have been investigated, and leading an insurrection for events in which no one was armed, and no one has actually been charged with or and convicted of insurrection. There is no precedent for any of it.

All of this is after a Russia Hoax, the Mueller investigation, two impeachments, and a highly partisan January 6 committee.

There is the military social experiment, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, inflation, shortages, and supply chain failures. Drag shows are a necessary art form for children. Men say they are women, and women say they are men, and it is a crime to say they are not.

We are fighting a potential European nuclear war by spending money we do not have, in a way that cannot be monitored in what has been called the most corrupt country in the world, a country in which the family of America’s Democrat candidate had shady business dealings.

We have experienced a never-ending pandemic that closed churches, schools, and businesses, declared some people nonessential, mandated mostly useless masks, and led to the development of a so-called vaccine that might be more dangerous than the disease it is supposed to treat. “Died suddenly, doctors mystified,” has become a thing, a very not normal thing. That virus might be coming back just in time for mail-in ballots, again.

We have mostly-peaceful riots, parents locked out of their children’s medical decisions, and school boards that develop and implement secret curricula out of sight of objecting parents.

We have more than a thousand political prisoners held for years under minor charges for which they were not allowed access to exculpatory evidence.  They are accused of an insurrection without weapons or organization.

Target has become a target, and Bud Light has become Bud Not.

The hottest song in America is a conservative protest song. Definitely not normal.

Accurate predictions require normal, and this is anything but normal. Prediction is impossible. It is a full random future. When people say President Trump cannot win or only Ron DeSantis can, or Biden will beat either, they are wild guessing because their guesses are based on normal, and this is anything but normal.

Almost anything is possible, and almost nothing is impossible. If there is something you want to happen, work toward it and hope it happens. It just might happen. No one knows.

The only certainty is uncertainty, and this isn’t normal.

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