That's a wrap for Rapinoe

Despite ignominious defeat at the Women's World Cup (soccer), the unpatriotic ingrates of the U.S. team are crying and begging for more moolah.  In a self-serving statement to their fans after being humbled by Sweden, they pleaded for more "investment" in women's soccer.  Divorced from reality, detached from propriety, they are "excited to see increased investment in these incredible players."

Their pecuniary demands are what's incredible, reflecting their money-grubbing mindset.  They have already been pampered and overpaid relative to their soccer worth.  The statement's phraseology itself is revealing: it suggests a bunch of ball-busting toxic feminists are engendering sympathy for their efforts to overcome imagined discrimination.  Indeed, "increased investment" is a leftist euphemism for endless spending under the auspices of Modern Monetary Theory, something that neither Fitch nor S&P rating agencies espouse.

If anything, it is members of the USMNT who are underpaid when their exertions are compared to the women.  I just hope that any hapless fella who becomes betrothed to any of those players has a solid pre-nuptial agreement.

The USWNT debacle reinforces that politics and sports don't mix.  She may not have the self-awareness to appreciate it yet, but Megan Rapinoe was publicly punished in the soccer cauldron in a fashion that will haunt her.  When she addressed the ball on the penalty spot during the shootout against Sweden, she was resoundingly booed.  Here's one spectator's firsthand account in an online forum: "went to the USA-Sweden game last night.  Very tense, but both teams looked pretty tired from midway through the second half onwards.  Interesting that Rapinoe was booed by some of the Americans near me." 

Watching from home, it seemed the booing of Rapinoe probably achieved the highest decibel level of the night.  That must have put her off, as her kick was as ugly as her deportment.  Clearly, the soccer gods weren't smiling upon the rompipalle, as the last penalty kick she missed was back in 2018.

After the match, Rapinoe got something half-right by describing her penalty miss as a "sick joke."  Well, she's the sick joke after instinctively laughing about it at first.  After that bizarrely unconnected behavior, justifiably condemned by fans and President Trump, does one need any more evidence that liberalism is a disease?

At first, it seems fitting that fans support any athlete representing their country in international events.  But what if that athlete is not representing us?  What if the unpatriotic athlete is biting the hand that feeds her? 

Jason Whitlock had an insight: it would be unpatriotic to support our unpatriotic athletes.  In his own words: "In the history of sports, no team has needed a comeuppance more than our women's soccer team.  Rooting against this American Nightmare is not unpatriotic.  Rooting for them is." 

That sentiment rained down on Rapinoe, who was publicly humiliated by patriotic fans who appropriately booed her during the Sweden match.  One doesn't wish misfortune on anyone just because she's obnoxious, and magnanimity may yet prevail, but for now it seems Americana Karma got its comeuppance against the ingrate.

Even without the retiring Rapinoe, the only "increased investment" the USWNT deserves is educational.  Their coach needs to step up now to instill some discipline and American pride.  Perhaps, instead of reviewing tapes of the game, she should show her players the movie by Newt and Callista Gingrich: A City Upon a Hill: The Spirit of American Exceptionalism. 

Phew!  That's a wrap for Rapinoe.  She's hanging up her cleats while festering in her own manic woke hang-ups.  We can only hope she disappears into Canada for her next battle — they deserve her after mismanaging their land and sending all that wildfire smoke down here. 

Image: Jamie Smed.

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