The next big step in Hunter Biden's career?

On July 31, in a closed-door House Oversight Committee hearing, Hunter Biden's former business partner, Devon Archer, testified with regard to then–vice president Joe Biden's suspected involvement with Hunter's "business."  It was disclosed that the vice president made up to 20 calls to Hunter when he was engaged in business meetings with foreign nationals, and that, over the phone, the vice president would speak to such persons individually. 

Following Archer's testimony, CNN broadcast the following report:

[U.S. rep. Dan] Goldman explains that Archer qualified the topics of discussion on these phone calls as niceties.  Biden sometimes didn't even know who was on the other line with his son Hunter.  Sources in the room telling CNN now that Archer did not point the finger directly at any sort of connection between Joe Biden and his son's international business dealings.  Rather said that Hunter Biden was selling the illusion of said access.

So let us get this straight.  According to CNN, Joe was not in business with his son, but he did make fatherly calls to Hunter every day [at 0:30 in the CNN video linked].  One day, Hunter had an idea.  He would tell people he was in the influence-peddling business with his father and would schedule meetings with them for the time in which his father would make his daily calls that were not about what, for over at least several years, Hunter did for a living.  When he did, Hunter would say, "Dad, I'm in a meeting with some people.  Why don't you say hello to them?"  What's a father to do?

What does this report tell us?  Primarily, it tells us that Hunter is a lot more devious and dishonest than we have given him credit for.  Hunter Biden also has terrific name recognition.  Ergo, he would make a great candidate for the Democrat presidential nomination for 2024.  Think of the campaign possibilities!  He could schedule his rallies for times when his father would make his daily calls — calls that would not, not, of course, be about Hunter's influence-peddling business.

Has a Democrat rock star been born?

Image via Raw Pixel.

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