U.S. Congress: call your office

If ever there was a time for an emergency session of Congress, now is it. The House, in any event, should come back soonest, or directly after Labor Day. Like all things D.C., the congressional recesses have become more and more generous over time. It used to be that they were back right after Labor Day. Now, it’s another two weeks before they will make good -- or not -- on any single thing.

It is terrifying to witness an absent, albeit slim, Republican majority in the House, even now further reduced to a very few voices -- a tiny, recessed, beavering away of those who care -- while the very man, President Donald Trump, who has done so very much for these jokers, is subjected in real time to continual horrors, to the vicious, vengeful jibes of happy RINOs and to the nearly inaudible “supportive” voice of Kevin McCarthy (the Whisperer of the House), who is once again suggesting his true sycophantic worth to the likes of the ancient turncoat Minority Leader in the Senate.

McCarthy’s vague assertion that we may do something about Biden when we get back are so resoundingly inadequate to the seriousness of the many proven charges against the Bidens, et al, that from a barely-there definition of leadership, McCarthy screams unawareness of, or indifference to the American people’s majority status -- of ever-dwindling inner peace and outer resources, worrying and fearful of much more pain to come.

 I no longer question whether my first intuitions might have been off about McCarthy; back in the day, when he stood right next to, front and almost center, the traitor Paul Ryan, for all those years. McCarthy then looked every bit like the incoming junior class vice president being groomed for a RINO ascendancy by Ryan.  Then, having got there and grabbed the gold ring, McCarthy put on a pretty good show over the debt talks -- until he didn’t. I wonder how many billions in interest on the federal debt have accumulated during the congressional recess. Of course, if the Whisperer of the House is listening in earnest only to the elites, that explains everything. They, along with unimaginable President Biden, are making it a priority to carry on with what they do so frequently: vacate in luxury and corruption while we suffer. Perhaps a permanent recess is in order.

Image: House of Representatives

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