When Democrats marshal their facts

"One of the biggest challenges we have to our democracy is the degree to which we don't share a common baseline of facts," said Barack Obama in 2019.  "There's a well-known senator from New York, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and one time he was debating one of his less capable colleagues and the guy got flustered and said, 'Well Senator Moynihan, that's just your opinion, and I have mine.'  And Moynihan says, 'Sir, you are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.'"

Obama then stated that this blurring of facts and opinions was part of what made the 2016 U.S. presidential election so exploitable to outside powers.  Obama had to have had lots of hubris to say that, considering the blurring caused by Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee's funding of the research that resulted in the Steele dossier.  The dossier alleged that Donald Trump conspired with the Kremlin to win the 2016 election and that Russia had compromising information on him.  Now, there's an example of Democrat facts. 

Obama continued, stated how people are digging into their own biases, seeking out sources of information that reinforce the beliefs they already hold.

For once, I agree with what that joke said.  Here's why.

Joe Biden's approval rating among people who identify as Democrats was, as of 9 August 23, 77%.

Seventy percent view cackling Kamala favorably.

For the question "Is the country headed in the right direction?," 28% of Democrats responded, "Yes."

On the economy, 60% of Democrats approve of Biden's performance, while 69% opine he's doing a good job on foreign policy and 69% approve of his actions on health care.

For the southern border crisis, only 25% of Democrats view illegal immigration as a very big problem, while 38% say the Biden bunch is doing a good job.

On Biden's climate change agenda, 74% of Democrats approve. 

The first survey result, overall approval rating, is, despite the best efforts of the MSM and Democrats to hide and/or sugar-coat the actions of the joke that currently occupies the Bully Pulpit, indicative of the outing of the facts of the truth.  The next seven survey results indicate that a majority of Democrats (or those leaning toward Democrat) are "Kool-Aid drinkers."  The Urban Dictionary aptly defines the phrase: "One who accepts an argument or philosophy wholeheartedly and blindly."  Key word: blindly.

Why do Democrats drink the Kool-Aid?  Here is one possible answer, one that passes the "Sniff Test" when one considers what is occurring in today's Democrat party.  As Tucker Carlson said in a recent interview, "there are unseen forces" working here (30 second point in the video).  What are those unseen forces?  Far be it for me to know what Carlson was thinking, but two unseen forces, spiritual and physical terror (intense or overwhelming fear), are what Democrats are spreading with their facts today.

About spiritual terror, consider this: "[it] unleashes a veritable barrage of lies and slanders against whatever adversary seems most dangerous, until the nerves of the attacked persons break down."  Written in 1925, this was (arguably) raised to an applied art form by James Carville in the early 1990s and is what Democrats utilize today.  If a person is its target, it's an ad hominem attack.  For a concept, it's a barrage of lies and slanders.

For examples, we need look no farther than Sleepy Joe.  When Republicans are his target, he often uses MAGA.  As for Donald Trump himself, Biden has recently attacked with absolutely no facts, only politically motivated assertions to support his slights.  Biden said Trump is the "defeated former president of the United States," called him a liar, and said he lacks courage.  Biden ripped Trump's patriotism and his loyalty to the country, citing his actions on January 6, 2021: "You can't be pro-insurrection and pro-cop.  You can't be pro-insurrection and pro-democracy.  You can't be pro-insurrection and pro-American."  Biden even said of Trump: "Call me old fashioned, but I don't think inciting a mob that attacks a police officer is 'respect for the law.'"  Biden was trying to scare Trump-supporters, to terrorize them.

For a concept, look at Biden's global warming policy, which he says is the only way to avoid an existential threat.  And at "Bidenomics," that failure that keeps giving, primarily in the form of inflation and permanently higher prices.  Yet Biden and the Democrats maintain that it's the best thing since ice cream.

About physical terror, consider this: "the importance of physical terror toward the individual and the masses is ... while in the ranks of their supporters the victory achieved seems a triumph of the justice of their own cause, the defeated adversary in most cases despairs of the success of any further resistance."  In other words, while the victor's facts seem to triumph, the loser is intimidated into silence.  Also written in 1925, it characterizes what Democrats are doing today.

When one considers that the EPA is spouting facts about how climate change affects our health, the physical terror aimed at individuals is clear.  For terror aimed at the masses, consider that the EPA has threatened to do away with thousands of jobs.  The Biden administration also got in on the act, issuing heat notification actions as nearly 40% of the U.S. population face National Weather Service heat advisories (these are NWS facts — what did we ever do before we had them?).

About individuals alone, consider what Biden's weaponized FBI did to GOP Michigan gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelley last year.  It caused fear by arresting  him.  Meanwhile, at approximately the same time, the weaponized DOJ conducted raids on Trump staff members.  The DOJ and FBI are spreading fear by using their own set of facts.

Consider what Democrats are doing to protect Biden.  Representative Dan Golden (D-N.Y.) said Biden discussed "the weather or whatever" despite Devon Archer confirming "'approximately 20 occasions' on which Hunter asked his father to say 'hello' during business meetings."  Biden getting on the phone is itself illegal, a fact Democrats belittle or ignore.

Bottom line: Don't waste your time or breath.  It does absolutely no good, and you'll get irritated.

Carlson, in June of this year, spoke to The Heritage Foundation.  One of the topics he addressed was facts: "maybe I could just win the debate if I marshaled more facts.  I've tried.  That doesn't work."

Image via Pickpik.

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