Why a kinder, gentler Trump cannot exist

Donald Trump, the charismatic and controversial figure who has sparked countless debates, remains a subject of fascination and critique among both his ardent supporters and fierce detractors.  While some find themselves reluctantly agreeing with his strategic direction despite their disapproval of his demeanor, others despise not only his policies, but also his character.

Trump, known for his unapologetic defiance of conventional political decorum, astutely recognizes the dilemma faced by many: "Why can't I control my personality?"  This rhetorical question hints at a paradox that eludes his critics.  After all, Trump's combative nature is undeniably integral to his effectiveness.

Renowned political analyst Dick Morris aptly captures the essence of Trump's rise to power, describing it as nothing less than a "hostile takeover of the Republican Party."  While this description may unsettle the established order, its undeniable effectiveness cannot be ignored.  Trump is not a man of appeasement or surrender, but one driven by action and assertiveness.  When confronted by figures like Senator Bob Corker and Jeff Flake, their political careers swiftly dwindled.  For Trump, it was not personal animosity, but a passionate defense of American greatness.

This resolute approach extended to Trump's foreign policy, which exemplified his unwavering refusal to yield to international bullies.  His ability to charm and challenge figures like North Korea's dictator Kim Jong-un had far-reaching effects, averting potential conflicts.  Trump is not akin to Harry Truman, who wielded diplomacy while carrying a big stick; rather, he boldly speaks and carries an even bigger stick.

His confrontation with the media further exemplified his relentless determination.  Trump fearlessly exposed their biases and malpractice, resulting in plummeting ratings for networks like CNN while pro-Trump platforms such as Newsmax experienced significant growth.  His bold stance earned him unparalleled media coverage, surpassing that of any previous president.

Critics may question whether a more refined and diplomatic Trump would achieve the same results.  In response, we can turn to Dick Morris's book, The Return," where he paraphrases Shakespeare to shed light on Trump's political persona: "Would a rose, by any other name, emit the same redolence?"

This thought-provoking question touches on the essence of the Trump phenomenon.  If Trump were to exhibit a more genial disposition, if he were less combative or adhered to established norms, would he remain the same force of nature that defied the political establishment, fearlessly pursued his policies, and challenged international adversaries and media critics alike?  Would he maintain the fervent support of his base, whose loyalty borders on religious devotion?

The answer, it seems, is highly unlikely.

Trump's indomitable spirit and unconventional tactics are precisely what define him.  His character is inseparable from his policies, his effectiveness, and his success.  To dilute his character in favor of a more agreeable demeanor might produce a more palatable figurehead, but at the cost of compromising what makes Trump who he is.

Paradoxically, personally, I still wish Trump would change.

Jerry McGlothlin, the CEO of Special Guests, applies his keen insights and adept communication skills as a prolific freelance writer.  His thought-provoking articles have found homes in diverse outlets, ranging from USA Today to The Washington Post.  With his dual roles as a publicity strategist and writer, he continues to shape dialogues and champion causes.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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