Are we collateral damage in a political gang war?

Did you ever feel that the two major political parties are involved in a personal vendetta, similar to turf wars between organized crime syndicates?  Republicans and Democrats seem to be fighting their own private wars, mostly to gain political points for each party, while the masses of people they supposedly represent are merely pawns.

Keep in mind that those elected officials almost never disagree with the party-line policies they embraced when running for office.  That's because they want support when it comes time for their re-election.  Therefore, even if Congressman A has changed his mind on a policy being promoted by his party, he is reluctant to oppose it, even if it may be detrimental to the country.

That's how political parties keep their members in line.  You're one of them until your opinion changes on an issue they advocate.  What does that do to the independent-minded leader who used to reason things out and make his own decisions?  He either falls in line or suddenly sees his future in politics ebbing.  Maybe he thinks it's morally perverse to allow transgender drag shows for children.  However, if his party has the strong backing of radicals who are in favor of such an abomination, does he go against his deeply held convictions by agreeing with them?  By the way, if he doesn't agree with them, but remains silent, it's tantamount to supporting them.

Is an influential position so important that it will change a good man into an evil one?  Such moral dilemmas are integrity tests that we face as a nation.  If a leader from an opposing party submits an idea that would benefit most Americans, should it be rejected on the grounds that your party didn't come up with it first?

There was a time when bipartisan agreement could be reached on some of the important issues up for debate.  Not anymore!  This is especially true if it's an issue supported by former President Donald Trump.  Whether you're a fan of Trump, or not, it must be obvious that he accomplished many goals that helped make our country stronger and richer.

Since Biden got elected, the only people getting stronger and richer are America's enemies.  Under Trump's leadership, in 2018, the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world's largest producer of crude oil.  Yet, as soon as Biden took the oath in 2021, he shut down the Keystone XL pipeline, eliminating 11,000 well paid American jobs.  Evidently, he and his left-wing base don't care if our enemies have energy and military superiority as long as radical Democrats get back at Trump for showing how incompetent they are.  For emphasis, let's recall what occurred.  President Trump gave us energy independence, making us a stronger nation.  Biden made us dependent on foreign countries, which made them stronger and us weaker.

Then, when gas prices rose significantly, affecting food and other prices, causing severe inflation, we were told it had nothing to do with losing our energy independence.  Keep in mind, inflation doesn't affect the oligarchs at the top of the food chain in the U.S.  Only the middle-class taxpayer is forced to tighten his belt.

An objective observer looking at Biden's first two and a half years in office would have to conclude that he negated every Trump accomplishment with relish, as though it was all about getting even with him, the country be damned.  Biden not only ended the building of the border wall, in an act reminiscent of a vengeful gang leader, but threw the border wide open to invaders from around the world.

I believe that some of the toughest problems we face as a nation aren't coming from our foreign enemies; they're coming from power-hungry officials in our own government.  When President Trump took office, pledging to root out the corruption in the Deep State, he struck fear into the hearts of every venal politician who was embedded in and monetarily enriched by his lofty position.

The Founding Fathers never envisioned elective office as a road to riches.  They believed that people should put their careers on hold while they donate some of their time, talent, and leadership to the country.  After a period of time, they'd go back to their chosen professions, allowing other leaders to donate what they could to the building of a nation.

That's certainly not what we have today. Instead, we have officials becoming multimillionaires after a few years of annual salaries that are less than 200K.  In addition, they have no plans ever to leave those envied positions of influence, where their votes are worth a king's ransom.  Complicit in all that financial legerdemain is a left-wing media establishment with nary a trace of journalistic integrity.  The media have their own vendetta against Trump because he exposed their left-wing bias and labeled them "fake news."  Consequently, they have abandoned the reason they were given freedom in the Constitution, which is to be the bulwark between the people and the government — not to support and protect the government as it slouches toward tyranny.

Image via Picryl.

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