¡Conquista! Illegals plant Venezuela's flag on Texas soil

At Eagle Pass, surging illegal migrants planted a gargantuan Venezuelan flag on a Texas island in the Rio Grande as they attempted to cross illegally into the U.S. Texas Department of Public Safety's Tactical Marine Unit* troops sensibly ripped it down and apparently chased the migrants back across the river to the Mexican side. But the deed was done. The U.S. stood conquered and humiliated, even if only for a few minutes. What fun they had.

Here's another view, and this one includes what looks like a Honduran flag:

Given the leftist narratives about the migrants being pitiful refugees and asylum-seekers fleeing their homelands from which no dignified existence is supposedly possible, the flag planting tells another story.

What refugee or asylum-seeker plants the flag of the country he is fleeing and supposedly is desperate not to get sent back to?

Obviously, there is some other kind of dynamic going on, cloaked in the helpless fleeing refugee narrative that's supposed to evoke pity -- and weakness -- here. 

Yeah, it's an invasion. And here these clowns are, making themselves into the conquering heros, confident the U.S. is so weak and pathetic and unaware of what is going on that they can plant their own flag on U.S. soil as they enter it illegally and the big stupid gringos will actually let them.

It's an amazing act. Who really sponsored this? Was it a state actor? Because I think it was a state actor, given the kind of rhetoric rolling out of the mouths of the leaders in that region.

Here is what Colombia's Marxist president had to say at the United Nations only a week ago:

Colombian President Gustavo Petro predicted that “billions of people will defy armies” to migrate to the United States and other Western democracies, which he has previously likened to Nazi Germany.

“Billions of people will defy armies and will change the earth to do this,” Petro told the United Nations General Assembly. “The exodus across the borders has increased. They have set the dogs and the hounds on the immigrants. They have put people on horses to pursue them with whips in their hands, with stocks and chains. They have built prisons.”

Meanwhile, the president of Honduras, unlike, say, Joe Biden, last week paid a visit to the border, not to apologize to her nationals for running a socialist country they'd do anything to get away from, but to egg them on.

According to La Tribuna, a Honduran news outlet, she sought information about detained Hondurans held in the U.S. for entering illegally supposedly to make sure they were treated humanely (let's hear again what Honduran prisons are like), and announced that she would be opening four new consulates to champion the migrants seeking asylum from her regime "to have the dignified treatment they deserve," not noticing that maybe she could have started that dignified treatment thing back in the home country.

It sounds like setting up a lot of extensive outposts, with flags in the ground. The Honduran press noted that the supposed asylum-seekers fleeing Honduras in terror were ... just seeking the old “Sueño americano," or "American dream."

More than a decade ago, the late, unlamented Hugo Chavez of Venezuela once said he would go camp out at the U.S. border because he considered illegals, then mostly from Mexico, a socialist vanguard. This kind of conquista thinking has been around for awhile, but a truly weak U.S. president and an open border has not. Now it's there and here we are.

It's all conquista.  

Where did the perpetrators, supposedly huddled on Mexican trains with all their worldly possessions, get hold of a flag of that size, and the right flag poll to go with it? There obviously was some planning here and it's unlikely that stuff came up on from someone dangling from the Mexican trains to el norte.

Did the flag-planters eventually get into this country as so-called "asylum seekers"? Sure, they were driven back by the Texas National Guard, but they eventually try again until they get in. Why weren't they apprehended and interrogated for information about who their sponsors were -- who gave them the flag or the money for the flag and then deported and excluded from ever being allowed in the U.S. again? Is there a plot to bankrupt America by sending hordes of economic migrants into the U.S.? We know that Venezuela's dictator, Nicolas Maduro, emptied his jails to create a wave of migrants into the U.S. Might some of them been let out to accomplish this conquest "mission" even for just a few minutes?

What it does is raise the case for retaliation and reparations to the U.S. from Venezuela's socialist hellhole regime.

Why, exactly, is the Biden administration not expropriating bank accounts of the Chavista elites in their Miami condos and using it pay for the care and feeding of Venezuelan migrants, who are now massing into the U.S. bankrupting blue cities with the cost of their care? We know they are sending at least some of them intentionally, we know they are resisting a deportation treaty with the U.S., which is why the U.S. cannot deport Venezuelan migrants, and we also know that they would like to take the U.S. down. It would be no problem for them to fling migrants at the U.S. as a political tool, the way the left accuses Texas's and Florida's governors, who offer voluntary bus rides to migrants to blue sanctuary cities, of doing. The nations that ship migrants as a policy tool are the real users of refugees, dispatching some to make political statements, and driving others out of the country to gain remittances if not bankrupt the U.S.

 Given that many Venezuelan assets are being impounded by the U.S. based on various sanctions against the regime for its electoral fraud, human rights violations, money laundering, and drug dealing, why isn't that money being taken to pay for these migrants? If Maduro is going to pull costly political stunts like this it's time to make it expensive for him. And same for all the other leering Latin American leaders who have yet to apologize to their nationals for creating such nasty socialist hellhole regimes that no one wants to live in, yet who exploit their own migrants for remittances and political gain in their own crummy bids to Get Gringo. 

We often look at cartels as the external actors behind the great migrant surges, but it's increasingly obvious that there are states behind this, too, and they need to be dealt with -- through witholding foreign aid, witholding remittances, or sanctions confiscations. The U.S. is not powerless, but it is leaderless, opening the door to unprecedented conquista dreams of the world's lousiest dictators if it lets this garbage go unanswered.

*An earlier version of this piece misstated the name of the Texas unit.

Image: Screen shot from Twitter video.

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