Enough self-delusion: No 'peace in our time' for Israel

It was the handshake heard round the world.  Thirty years ago, on September 13, 1993, a benevolently smiling President Bill Clinton (D) stood on the White House lawn as "former" enemies Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, of blessed memory, and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) terrorist leader Yasser Arafat, of forever cursed memory, shook hands and joked after signing a Declaration of Principles for peace between the Arabs and Israelis, known as the Oslo Accords.  The signing of these agreements ushered in an era popularly referred to as "peace for our time."

Oh, wait — my wrong!  The delusional prime minister of England, Neville Chamberlain, uttered these pathetic words, as he proudly proclaimed

My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honor. I believe it is peace for our time. ... Go home and get a nice quiet sleep.

This upon his return from Germany in 1938, where he and Germany's leader, Adolf Hitler, had promised to play nice.  A year later, Germany invaded Poland, thus ending the no "peace in our time" and ensnaring an unsuspecting and unprepared England, along with most of Europe and later the U.S., in the drawn out, bloody, and murderous conflict known as World War ll.

Oh!  Wait again — my right!  And my wrong!  While Rabin and Israel kept their end of the bargain, sacrificing hard won and historical Jewish territory to the PLO, Arafat never intended to.  And never did.  There was and is no peace; the Oslo Accords, which Abbas never observed, are a poisoned memory.

But Arafat and his PLO soon disregarded what President Bill Clinton referred to as "the promise of a new beginning."

As early as May 10, 1994, Arafat told South African Muslim leaders that the Oslo accords "fell into the same category as the Treaty of Hudaibiya that was signed by the Prophet Muhammed with the people of Mecca in 628, only to be reneged on a couple of years later when the situation titled in Muhammad's favor." Arafat's words were recorded by a member of the Jewish community who had infiltrated the meeting posing as a Muslim — provoking demands from Israeli officials that he repudiate them. Arafat never did.

Nor did the Palestinian leadership cease its support for terrorism. Arafat and other top PA apparatchiks both approved and funded the creation of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a U.S.-designated terrorist group. Arafat's own personal bodyguard unit, Force 17 — trained and equipped by the U.S. and EU as part of Oslo — carried out terror attacks throughout the 1990s and during the Second Intifada, from 2000-2005.

Arafat himself reportedly decided to launch the Second Intifada — in which more than one thousand Israelis were murdered — while pretending to engage in peace talks with the U.S. and Israel.

In fact, the PA rejected U.S. and Israeli statehood offers in exchange for peace with the Jewish state, in 2000 at Camp David, 2001 at Taba and 2008 after the Annapolis Conference, among other occasions.

You see, as explained, Arafat never intended to uphold the so-called Oslo Accords, for in Muslim theology, promises signed with non-believers are worthless, as Arafat publicly reassured Muslims shortly after that famous handshake.

This has to be understood by everybody. The permanent state of Israel? No! The permanent state of Palestine! (Applause).

Yes, it is the permanent state of Palestine.

I have to speak frankly. I cannot do it on my own without the support of the Islamic nation. You have to come and to fight and to start the jihad to liberate Jerusalem, your first shrine.

What they are saying is that Jerusalem is their capital. No, it is not their capital. It is our capital. It is the first shrine of Islam and the Muslims.

Referring to the Oslo Accords he had signed, Arafat said,

This agreement. I am not considering it more than the agreement which had been signed between our Prophet Mohammad and Quraish.

For those unfamiliar with the "Quraish" event, here is the story: the Jews of Mecca defeated the army of Mohammad and reached an agreement with him.  He later returned in greater strength and slaughtered them after they had left themselves defenseless by believing that Mohammad was a man of his word.

You remember the Caliph Omar had refused this agreement and considered it a despicable truce. But Mohammad accepted it and we are accepting this peace offer but to continue our way to Jerusalem, to first shrine together and not alone.

We are in need of you as Muslims. As warriors of Jihad.

And this legacy continued when Arafat was replaced by Mahmoud Abbas.  Abbas said, "Every martyr will reach paradise, and every wounded will be rewarded by Allah!"

He also said, "Every drop of blood spilled in Jerusalem is pure blood as long as it's for the sake of Allah."

And "blood must be spilled because the Jews are desecrating the Islamic holy places with their filthy feet."

Ten years later, in the Spring of 2004 issue of the MidEast Forum, respected analyst Efraim Karsh analyzed Arafat's Grand Strategy

This vision of a "liberated and Arab Palestine" — that is, a Palestine in which Israel does not exist — was not mentioned in any of Arafat's interviews with the Israeli and Western media at the time. During the next seven years, until the launch of his terrorist war in late September 2000, Arafat played an intricate game of Jekyll-and-Hyde politics. Whenever addressing Israeli or Western audiences, he would habitually extol the "peace of the brave" he had signed with "my partner Yitzhak Rabin." At the same time, he depicted the peace accords to his Palestinian constituents as transient arrangements of the moment. He made constant allusions to the "phased strategy" and repeatedly insisted on the "right of return," a standard Palestinian euphemism for Israel's destruction through demographic subversion. He leavened his speech with historical and religious metaphors, most notably the Treaty of Hudaybiya, signed by the Prophet Muhammad with the people of Mecca in 628, only to be disavowed by Muhammad a couple of years later when the situation shifted in his favor.

The Palestinian leadership fully embraced this interpretation of the Oslo process as a grand strategic deception, aimed at bringing about Israel's eventual destruction. As early as September 22, 1993, nine days after the signing of the DOP, Yasir Abed Rabbo, a senior PLO official and future "minister of information" in the Palestinian Authority (PA), categorically denied that "the mutual recognition document between Israel and the PLO contains any Palestinian pledge to stop violence." Several months later, in July 1994, Abed Rabbo went a step further and vowed that the Palestinians would regain "all of Palestine."

Further, as Jack Berger prophetically predicted in the Jerusalem Post just five years ago, 

[a]n Arab I once talked with in eastern Jerusalem explained that the failure of Oslo was a failure to understand his culture. In the bazaar, there are two interesting Arab sayings: "The blood of the lamb excites the tiger," and even more profound, "What was taken by blood can only be redeemed through blood" — the underpinnings of an "honor and shame" society. That is what was in play. Our peace partners and their all-too-willing martyrs were happily going for those 72 virgins as blood flowed on the streets of Israel.

Back in those bloody days, I was labeled an "enemy of peace" for pointing out unambiguously that in speech after speech to his own Arab people, Arafat was inciting his blessed shahids to murder Jews. Yet sadly, Jewish leaders could only drool waiting for their next claim of imminent success. Peace was just around the corner! I chose to wear my honor as an enemy of Oslo with pride. "It was just a few bad jihadists," claimed the peace-processors. After the first 400 dead Jews from 1994-2000, the "machers" began to finally wake up, when it became so bloody they could no longer rationalize the situation. They called it the Second Intifada, but the truth was the First Intifada had never stopped. The remains of burntout buses in Afula and Jerusalem were trophies to the blessed shahids, as their heroic pictures were plastered on the walls in Arab towns and villages for others to follow in their heroic footsteps, and Arab mothers smiled and handed out candies, never to see their sons again. ...

After the Oslo Accords (1993) came the Gaza-Jericho Agreement (1994), followed by the Oslo 2 Accord (1995), followed by the Redeployment Agreement in Hebron (1997), followed by the Wye River Memorandum (1998), followed by the Sharm el-Sheik Memorandum (1999). All bloodstained, worthless pieces of paper. And at the United Nations, Israel was condemned for building a wall!

Mahmoud (Mohammed) Abbas, Arafat's bloody philosophical clone successor, continues Arafat's murderous rejection of Jews and Israel with his repellently ignorant explanation of Hitler's motives.

Addressing the Revolutionary Council of Fatah last month, Mr. Abbas asserted: "They say that Hitler killed the Jews for being Jews, and that Europe hated the Jews because they were Jews. Not true."

The hatred that led to genocide, he argued, was not based on race or religion. Rather, Europeans "fought against these people because of their role in society, which had to do with usury, money dealings, and so on. Even Hitler said he fought the Jews because they were dealing with usury and money."

Mr. Abbas further claimed that David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minister, "forced" Jews to flee Arab countries where they had lived for centuries to Israel "by means of pressure, coercion, and murder."

As for European Jews, they "are not Semites," he said, citing the discredited theory that Ashkenazi Jews are descended not from ancient Israelites but from Khazars, a medieval Turkic kingdom.

The state of Israel, he told his audience, was "invented" by "Britain and America — not just Britain. … I am saying this so that we know who we should accuse of being our enemy."


Abbas's heinous words are backed up by the continuing murderous activity of the PLO against Israelis.

Handshakes and believers in fairy-tale good wishes, such as Clinton and Chamberlain, are no match for the pure evil of the PLO.  Do not believe the latter's words; believe their actions.  Therefore, the Israelis should follow the advice of former president Barack Hussein Obama (D)

If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.

And remember the bloody lesson believers in Neville Chamberlain learned much too late —  peace in our time, Israel's time, exists or will exist not because of appeasement and the blather of the Munich Agreement or the Oslo Accords, but because the ultimately stronger Allies defeated Nazi Germany's and Imperial Japan's "knives" with superior weapons, tactics, and force "guns."

Image via Pxfuel.

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