How long can a country this decadent survive?

A friend of mine, whenever he sees my dog in his little harness, invariably asks the dog if he’s proud of his San Francisco styling. It’s a funny joke, and my dog and I get a good laugh every time, but behind the joke is a serious issue, and that’s how long our country can survive the decadence that’s taking over. The reason I bring this up is that the annual “Up Your Alley” Fair took place in San Francisco over the weekend. A freely available online publication has the photos, and it’s not pretty—and these are the photos that aren’t Triple-X rated.

We’re all familiar with the “Pride” fairs that annually take over main streets throughout the West and in Israel. Yes, there’s a lot of nudity and weirdness, but the parades are so overwhelmed by rainbows and sparkles that they generally look really pretty. After all, the rainbow is the ultimate sign of goodness and virtue, for it represents God’s promise never again to destroy humankind in one fell swoop.

The reality, though, is that homosexuality, as a whole, is decadent. It just is. We all know absolutely lovely, decent people who are homosexual. Indeed, many are becoming conservative as they realize that the Democrat agenda is destroying their country. But I’m not talking about individuals; I’m talking about the entire culture.

For example, we were told that allowing same-sex marriage wouldn’t destroy marriage. What a homophobic idea! But the reality is that same-sex marriage may well redefine marriage.

Image: One of the less disturbing images from 2011’s Up Your Alley fair by merri. CC BY 2.0.

Ideally, marriage is the sacred union of a man and a woman who come together to create and raise the next generation within the context of a stable home. That’s the backbone of Western culture.

Same-sex marriage is different. For one thing, it’s biologically impossible for a same-sex couple to create the next generation. They can adopt, which is a lovely thing, or, more creepily, they can go into the marketplace for babies, which frequently involves bizarre gene melding so that both partners can have a say in the lab-created baby.

For another thing, when it comes to those same-sex marriages, the expectations are very different. Western heterosexuals go into marriage expecting sexual monogamy. That’s a wonderful hedge against sexually transmitted diseases, an assurance to men that they are providing for their own children, and an assurance to women that the man’s loyalty will be to her children. Again, this is a core concept of Western marriage and our stable, affluent Western culture.

It's different for same-sex marriages:

I’ve always known this about same-sex couples. Growing up and living in the San Francisco Bay Area for as long as I did means that you can’t miss it.

However, same-sex marriage proponents vigorously denied this reality in the lead-up to the horribly reasoned Obergefell decision. Now, they can admit it again. And given the current LGBTQ+ prominence in American culture, how long do you think it will be before heterosexual couples start breaking those all-important, child-centered bonds, too?

But I started this discussion with public debauchery. The Up Your Alley Fair is San Francisco’s fetish fair. It’s not held in a big building with the requirement that admittees prove that they’re over 21. Instead, it’s a street fair that anyone can attend. It celebrates bondage and other, even ickier fetishes. Sam Brinton would feel at home here. Indeed, SF Gate, a freely available website, has a photo gallery of the less obscene sights at the fair and, if you go to the fifth photo from the bottom, you’ll discover that an American Army colonel might have been at the fair, too.

As I said, those are the less obscene sights. If you want to understand what’s happening on the streets of one of America’s major cities, go here or here, but hide it from the children and bring a barf bag for yourself. I have no words for the level of perversion on public display.

Once, this was a fringe activity. Then it moved to the streets. Now, it’s in the military. As Libs of TikTok regularly documents, it’s moving into the classrooms. And last night, I watched the new Disney/Pixar movie, Elemental, which I’ll write about, too. Of note here is that Disney/Pixar made sure to include a lesbian couple in the movie. Normalize, normalize, normalize…

But as the Up Your Alley fair and the survey of same-sex couples regarding marriage show, it’s not normal—at least, it’s not normal as that’s been understood in the West for a couple of thousand years. And when the fringe moves to the center, the center most surely cannot hold.





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