Jussie Smollett 2.0 begets leftist cannibalism

Clare Malone and Noor Noman are both mainstream media operatives, and both aggressively left—but they’re awake enough to see the writing on the wall.

These women are aware that the Jussie Smollett fiasco was a major blow to the left’s ever-waning credibility, and any subsequent copycats must be cast out to sea, which is why they’ve both turned on Hasan Minhaj, a “comedian” known for his “social-justice commentary” and a darling of the talk show circuit.

On September 15th, The New Yorker published Malone’s exposé on Minhaj, which included this paragraph:

In Minhaj’s approach to comedy, he leans heavily on his own experience as an Asian American and Muslim American, telling harrowing stories of law-enforcement entrapment and personal threats. For many of his fans, he has become an avatar for the power of representation in entertainment. But, after many weeks of trying, I had been unable to confirm some of the stories that he had told onstage. When we met on a recent afternoon, at a comedy club in the West Village, Minhaj acknowledged, for the first time, that many of the anecdotes he related in his Netflix specials were untrue.

As it turns out, Minhaj’s “social-justice commentary” is really just the tired schtick of the anti-white narrative (white privilege, institutional and systemic racism against non-whites) retold ad nauseam by the pseudo-intellectuals providing cheap entertainment which can only appeal to a low-IQ (leftist) consumer. And, as Malone asserts, the “anecdotes” of racist white conservatives and institutionalized racism that Minhaj passed off as experiences, were “unable to [be] confirm[ed]” and admittedly, “untrue.”

Malone goes on to detail two of Minhaj’s fictional tales, like his young daughter’s exposure to an envelope of “white powder” that prompted an emergency visit to the hospital and a threat of divorce from his wife with the implied culprit of course being a bigoted anti-progress (conservative) white person, as well as the persecution and violation of rights he and his family faced for their brown skin and religious beliefs. Per Malone:

Minhaj insisted that, though both stories were made up, they were based on ‘emotional truth.’ The broader points he was trying to make justified concocting stories in which to deliver them. ‘The punch line is worth the fictionalized premise,’ he said.

Well, rather irresponsible I’d say, given that the viewer, as I said above, is a low-IQ leftist, and digests Minhaj’s extreme license as truth… then acts on it. And Noman, a far-left “trans” MSNBC journalist, agrees.

All of the details presented by Malone’s piece were analyzed by Noman, who aptly described Minhaj as “the boy who cried racist wolf” in her September 18 article, excerpted below:

Last year, when I saw Hasan Minhaj perform stand-up comedy in New York, he told a joke about how he came across a drunk white woman who was vomiting on the side of the street, and when he went to check if she was alright, she looked up and asked if he was her Uber driver. I rolled my eyes, turned to my friend and called bulls---.

Turns out it probably was.

The comedian, a Muslim Indian-American, who has built a brand and career around autobiographical comedy with political overtones — often centering himself in stories where he is subjected to racism — turns out to have been lying. A New Yorker exposé, written by Clare Malone, found that his stories are often either wild embellishments or just never happened. He is the boy who cried racist wolf. And although Minhaj staunchly defended his lies and embellishments to Malone, claiming they reflect “emotional truths” that need to be addressed, he is instead hurting people of color — not helping them.

Of course, the joke Noman references implies that white Americans see Muslim-looking brown people and think “taxi” driver—funny enough though, I guess it actually works if that white American is Joe Biden, who sees an Indian-looking brown person and admittedly thinks “7-Eleven” convenience store clerk.)

Noman goes on:

Lying about racism does a huge disservice to racial and ethnic minorities, and it will likely only buttress white supremacy, an apparatus designed to belittle and deny racism as it is. Having a high-profile brown person build his career in part around fabricated experiences with racism will only feed into this narrative.

Never mind the unsuspecting and innocent Americans slandered because they happened to be born with “white” skin, these made-up stories about white people being racist hurts the anti-white cause! A country so racist that the anti-racists have to make up instances of racism to show just how bad the racism really is—what a doozy.

Jussie Smollett’s specter is back to haunt the left again, causing dissension, and apparently cannibalism (leftist eat leftist), in the ranks.

Image: Public domain via Picryl.

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