Leftism and Bloom's Taxonomy

Before teacher training became mired in DEI, future scholars in the field of education discussed theories of learning, such as Bloom’s Taxonomy. Benjamin Bloom, an American Education Psychologist, believed that for learners to fully grasp a concept, they must go beyond a simple comprehension of the idea into higher levels of learning, such as synthesis and evaluation.

We are now pupils of the nation, attempting to comprehend its fundamental transformation. Because many are stuck in the entry level stages of learning, there are failing grades on the tests being sprung on us. COVID lockdowns, illegal immigration, climate hysteria, and disastrous foreign policy are only a few of the latest exams and the majority of test takers perform like unprepared schoolchildren staring blankly at the questions on the paper.

The worst test performers, however, are those who act as the useful idiots of the progressive wing. They do not even reach the first basic level of Bloom’s theory, which is knowledge. They do not see the threat of hordes of foreign invaders, most military-aged men, pouring across the border. They know that their wallets are thinning, but cannot link that to the heavy inflation caused by the administration they align with. They decide not to go out at night or walk by themselves lest they be mugged or worse, but cannot form any causal associations to the issue. They do believe in climate change because they cannot see past false narratives and flawed data to assuage their fed hysteria.

Those on the far Left will never be able to fully understand the dangers to our republic or what its impending collapse may look like, because they are not even at the rudimentary stages of understanding the causes of our downfall. They are conditioned, like trained seals, to exhibit outrage and denial of any facts coming from the Right, while madly cheering and clapping for any indictments of the Right.

It is incumbent on us and on our elected representatives to grasp any and all opportunity to drive home the correlations to what is harming our country.  It is said that a lie told often enough becomes truth, so the only way to counter leftist lies is with the real truth -- told with urgency, passion, and persistence. Perhaps that will carry at least some of our national dunces to Bloom’s level one.

Image: Center for Teaching Vanderbilt University

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