MAGA vs. the DoJ

Along with all its other efforts to hamstring Donald Trump’s legal defense in the D.C. case, the DoJ has dumped 12.8 million documents on Trump’s defense team, leaving them without adequate time to prepare before the March court date. This is unlikely to earn them much consideration from Judge Tanya Chutkan, who has exhibited open hostility to Donald Trump.

This appears to be a new tactic developed by prosecutors to cripple defense efforts while remaining within the letter of the law. On August 25, prosecutors dumped over 4 million documents on the defense team of accused cryptocurrency fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried while at the same time making it next to impossible for him to actually view them. (Bankman-Fried is being held at Brooklyn's Metropolitan Detention Center, which has no facilities for accessing the documents.)

The solution for Trump’s team is simple: utilize his vast personal following as a crowdsourcing resource to analyze and sort out the documents.

Crowdsourcing of this type has been used for many years as a means of preliminary scientific analysis to collate the vast amount of data produced by modern scientific research (commonly called the “data deluge’). Since 2007, the Galaxy Zoo has utilized large numbers of ordinary citizens to examine and classify photos of astronomical objects in photos taken by the Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes. The program has been so successful it has been expanded into other scientific disciplines as the “Zooniverse.”  This system was made possible only by the existence of the internet.

The same methods can be used to examine and classify the Jack Smith document dump. Volunteers would receive emails with a limited number – say, a couple hundred – documents attached. The volunteers would read the documents carefully, and on an attached form give a brief two or three sentence description, along with a rating on its importance and relevance.

Each document would be sent to several volunteers so as to provide confirmation and weed out irrelevant, useless, or repetitive documents (of which there will be myriads – the entire point of this exercise by Smith’s office, after all, is to create as many obstacles as possible.)

The goal here would be to reduce an unwieldy number of documents to a number easily handled by the defense team. Within a brief time, the most capable volunteers will be identified and encouraged, while the incapable, demented, and lefty infiltrators would be weeded out. After the first run-through, the remaining documents would be sent to the volunteers who have proven themselves the most capable and perceptive for a second reading. The documents that remain – a manageable fraction of that 12.8 million – would be turned over to the defense team.

This could be handled by Trump’s organization, starting with an appeal for volunteers using social media. This process would take weeks at most, and act as an end run against both the DoJ’s sleazy tactics and Judge Chutkan’s lack of interest in judicial balance.

Here as elsewhere the MAGA movement provided a vast and useful potential resource. Use it.

Image: PxHere

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