Protecting Children

For years I have followed the writings of others, and especially articles about the attacks on our children. I have seen very little about how children are groomed, and then molested. This can cause harm that will affect them for a lifetime.

When I was 19, I dated a very wonderful girl. We went to a movie, and in the process of time I learned that she was only 15. I was terrified. I said something to her father about it. I am sure they had confidence in me, but I felt that confidence was misplaced, as anyone can be tempted.

The data indicates that children are rarely molested by strangers. Often it is a parent, a brother or sister, aunt or uncle, or someone close to the family. I have known of men in a church who groomed children; the parents had confidence in the man and let their children spend time with them.

The only way to really protect your children is to insure they are never alone with another person. Children who are a little rebellious are the most likely to fall and sometimes parents will let their kids spend time with an older person whom they think can become a friend of the child and help him. That can happen, but it is not always the case. It is impossible to know what will happen as child molesters come in all kinds of packages.

Frankly there is no way to know what could happen. Having your children involved with others can pay real benefits. However, activities must be chosen carefully. Church groups with a trustworthy adult and the children sleeping in larger groups helps preserve integrity.

Ultimately parents must pay careful attention to what is happening with their children to protect them from evil. Thus, it is important to keep the channels of communication open with your children so they can always feel free to express their hopes and even their problems. Children with problems are easily groomed for trouble.

Be watchful, teach your children the Bible, as well as how predators work. Young girls, especially, need to know how easily a man is stirred up. Boys also.

This problem is especially important when considering transgender issues. One book just out by a woman psychiatrist makes this claim:

My wish is for your child to reject the falsehoods from the get-go. If he or she is already on a “gender journey,” the goal is therapy that will facilitate him or her to love themselves as they are, without harming their bodies. I want to preserve your child’s health, sexual pleasure, and fertility. No child is born in the wrong body, their bodies are just fine; it’s their emotional life that needs attention and healing. In this book you’ll find the ammunition to protect your children while raising them in Trans Nation: information, parenting strategies, and hope. (P. xxxi)

You really need to read the whole book. There are many startling things revealed about how puberty blockers and other trans solutions are destroying the health and futures of these young people. 

Today children who appear trans inclined are given puberty blockers, which halts their physical development at that point. Young boys will grow into adults with childhood organs. Same with girls.

Sex is determined at conception and we ought not overlook that fact.

Our children are precious. Unfortunately, many counsellors, including school counsellors, want parents to understand their only choices are a trans child or a dead child. The best choice, however, is gently showing the child how God has given him a wonderful body and he just needs to learn to accept that.

Jim Hollingsworth is a graduate of Pensacola Christian College with a master’s degree in Biblical studies. He has written several books:

Climate Change: A Convenient Truth: Second Edition, Improved and Updated

Cortez: A Biography

The Ancient Culture of the Aztec Empire

Abortion Compassion: a Prolife Book on unborn life

Romans: A Commentary

Galatians: A Commentary (pre-publication)

All available where books are sold.

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