Radical Democrats’ greatest fears are religion, truth, honesty, and integrity

I am confident that most Americans are worn down by all the chaos that exists in our country, Independent, Republican, and Democrat voters alike. We have a president who is clearly age-disabled. We have 2024 presidential elections where both party leaders are accused of corruption. Women and girls are under attack. Parents are asked to surrender their children to the state. Children are taught to lie to parents. Religious freedom is considered a terrorist act. Crime and homelessness are rampant in cities. We can’t afford food, gas, or a house. Our educational standards have failed. A costly war is in Ukraine. Simply being “white” makes you racist. Immigration is out of control and destroying communities. The black community’s need for school choice is ignored. Citizens are fearful after defunding the police. Radicals are destroying American history. Corruption exists with our press and social media.

As an older senior, I ask, how did it get this bad in just three years? I have lived through multiple generations and experienced many of our nation’s crises. The serious, satanic chaos of this age though, has torn the country apart and Americans are frightened. Perhaps John Adams’s observation that a “democracy never lasts long” can be applied to our heritage too; a republic “soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.”

Our nation’s first president, George Washington, predicted what could happen. His fears described how an unprincipled group of men and women would take over a political party and subvert the Constitution. Radical “activists” including communists, socialists, Marxists, progressives, LGBTQ++, and haters of religion and family, have adopted the Democrat party as their vehicle of choice. They have coalesced with naive political leaders and the media. They are now using this power to destroy America’s culture. Deviant thinking seeks to replace absolute truth with ever-changing concepts of identity, whims, and moods. News organizations, social media, and politics have knowing or unknowingly spread their identity to create a godless culture.

An excellent example of what radicals fear is found in a purported quote from Washington: “Religion and morality are the essential pillars of civil society.” These concepts are deeply troubling to radicals since they don’t know how to deal with the moral God. They face upsets because religion, and Judeo-Christian morality, is embedded in America’s culture; God is even included in our Pledge of Allegiance. Think about Thomas Jefferson who is credited with saying, “The Bible makes the best people in the world.” We can reflect on Proverbs, with adages like “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord but those who deal truthfully are His delight” and “wise men are concerned about truth; liars are anxious to be heard.”

Radicals, through deception, are using government to impose their values, but Benjamin Franklin is said to have had the answer: ”Trickery and treachery are the practices of fools that have not wits enough to be honest.” When American parents teach their children the importance of truth, and morality, they’re endowing the next generation with the antidote to our current state of chaos, and we’re already seeing it come into play. Radicals have found that there are still Americans, and the movement is growing, who maintain and are restoring a moral code that is defeating their process of reducing people and issues to crude identity politics.

Many of these radical thinkers and their philosophies have been shaped by our “education” system. Public school teachers and professors, a small minority of the population, have pushed an agenda on the majority; but parents have formed national organizations to push back, along with conservatives and patriotic Americans. Ordinary citizens must continue to come together and use their care and wisdom to stop this slippery path toward destruction.  The outcome of this war will be fought by Americans with, truth, honesty, integrity and religion, all of which are the foundations of our nation.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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