Sexual disorders find favor and promotion in leftist policy

I remember when resorting to "shock value" tactics was a cry for attention, not a bona fide reality.

Around 1990, I worked for a major regional insurance company handling legal issues.  One day, a Hispanic lady from California who had suffered an accident while traveling came in.  I invited her to my office to resolve her lack of transportation while being so far from home, and after business concluded, I struck up a conversation about California, as I'd traveled there as a child and had loved the Southwest.

It was still beautiful, still had wonderful weather, but things were getting a bit strange with the preteen and teen populations.  I asked for clarity, and she said that there was an emerging fad: adolescents were announcing that they were "gay" or "bisexual" in increasing numbers, and it had quickly become a widespread phenomenon.

The current explosion of the transsexual movement among young people has been the logical progression from what largely started as a fad among attention-hungry teens.  Now, though, enabled by our government and other groups who have seized the opportunity to sow seeds of chaos, it has morphed into a movement for attention-starved adults, who encourage and promote such behavior in children as young as three years old...or younger.  See below:

And here:

Any rational thinking person of average intelligence knows that such young children have no sense of sexuality and that any such ideas must have been the result of activist perverts like Alfred Kinsey, or attention-seeking narcissistic parents.

Of course, the reality as stated above is like an elephant in the room we all have to ignore, lest one be labeled a transphobe or hater of "alternative lifestyles."  It seems that many Americans have lost any grasp of reality and rationality, thrown off the facts of science, and have embraced faddish fantasy as truth.  As with most unusual promotional efforts from our government, encouragement of such fads carry with them more complex agendas such as division, forced behavior, or the creation of chaos among the citizenry.  Additionally, these promotional efforts leave long-lasting social damage, destruction of individual lives, and the further decline of our once great nation.

Image from X.

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