Student loan interest resumes today; payment restarts next month

Be extra nice to your young over-educated barista, "management trainee" sales clerk, or unemployed actor today because

The Department of Education’s COVID-19 student loan forbearance program is ending. On September 1, 2023, interest resumes, and payments will be due beginning in October 2023.

Yes, you read that correctly; disputing President Joe Biden (D)'s attempt to capture the college over-educated, underemployed vote by dismissing their loans, the Supreme Court ruled two months ago that former college students now had to resume paying off their student loans, which was temporarily suspended during the Wuflu/COVID lockdowns. 

Many of these 40,000,000 indebted college graduates, especially the ones who had dismissed training for a specific career and thus were underemployed — i.e., toiling in lower-paying jobs that don't require complex skills or knowledge — were hoping the Biden repayment suspension would be permanent.

But the Supreme Court thought otherwise — you borrowed it, you pay it back.  Just like everyone else.

So prepare yourself when you come in contact with these debtors and they whine to you about the unfairness of paying off their loans and now they can't afford tickets to a Taylor Swift concert. 

Or something else.  (Yeah, yeah — I know, I know.)   

Be polite but be firm and remember — you and I and all the other outstanding citizens are not responsible for their educational choices.  Or  their debts.  They are. 

And they graduated college, so they should know that.

Image: Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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