Texas declares illegal immigrant surge an invasion

Texas is facing an alien invasion. Perhaps that’s not the best way to phrase that, but I couldn’t help myself. However, it is the truth. Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently declared that the state was facing an “invasion” along the southern border from foreign nationals making illegal crossings.

Governor Abbott announced in a post on X (formerly Twitter):

The sad thing is that Texas shouldn’t have to be doing this, and the state wouldn’t have to be doing this if the federal government didn’t undermine our laws and sabotage states protecting their borders. But the politicians in Washington, like a lot of the progressive politicians in major cities, don’t care because the problems don’t affect them; indeed, they believe they will benefit from it because they can buy votes with taxpayer dollars (welfare) and keep them beholden to the Democrat Party.

Not only has Washington refused to enforce U.S. immigration law, it is actively trying to keep border states from doing so. In another X post Abbott wrote, after the Biden administration cut down razor wire the state had erected along the border, the governor said, “Texas will continue to install more razor wire and fortify the border against illegal crossings. We will not back down.”

Attached to the post was a copy of a letter to Joe Biden, U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, and U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. Abbott sent it last November and accused the Biden administration of violating the U.S. Constitution by failing to protect the states against invasion, as promised in Article IV, § 4.

The letter reads:

Ranches are being ripped apart, and homes are vulnerable to intrusion. Our border communities are regularly disrupted by human traffickers and bailouts. Deadly fentanyl is crossing the porous border to such a degree that it is now the leading cause of death for citizens between the ages of 18 and 45.

The next step for progressives, which is already being enacted in many municipal elections, is to allow these non-citizens the right to vote.

However, many city governments have realized that their support of open borders is a monster of their own creation. The numbers of illegals has reached such numbers, that they are moving beyond the decimated border cities and onto the Democrat-controlled cities like New York and Chicago that declared themselves sanctuary cities and offered plenty of social services.

Suddenly, the politicians in those cities are sounding more like Republicans on the issue of immigration when the problem is on their doorsteps.

Between Abbott describing the illegal immigrant surge as an invasion and the way the immigrants are acting, it makes me think of the various invasive species that forestry services warn us about like the Emerald Ash Borer.

That insect entered the country illegally hidden among legal cargo. In the United States, it found plenty of food sources and it began to spread and multiply and move outward to other locations and new food supplies.

The problem with many of these invasive species is that they often leave behind devastation. In the case of the Emerald Ash Borer, it kills ash trees.

And that’s what this invasion will do to communities throughout the country if left unchecked.

Michael A. Letts is the CEO and Founder of In-VestUSA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.

Image from X.

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