The ten commandments of liberalism

Liberalism has been likened to a religious movement- a secular quest for heaven on earth. Like legitimate religions, it has its own tenets.

Thou shalt seek social justice. We’re all in this together.  There is no reason we cannot live free of oppression and co-exist in a brotherhood of man and community of nations.  Unfortunately, at the current stage of evolution of the human psyche, primal urges and self-interests persist in being irrepressible determinants of human behavior and the resultant social order.

Thou shalt embrace diversity.  Diversity is our strength.  Not really.  Diverse forces flying off in their own direction weaken a society's locus.  Strength lies in overcoming diversity.  Whatever happened to the melting pot?

Thou shalt seek equity.  Equal outcomes for all.  Forget about merit, hard work, focus, discipline.  Just be one of the chosen people.  And if equity trumping merit results in mediocrity, so be it.

Thou shalt foster inclusivity.  We must welcome the marginalized, the disenfranchised, the oppressed into the fold.  White males, conservatives, gender fluidity deniers, rednecks, MAGA, and other irredeemables need not apply and must be excommunicated.

Thou shalt not worship false idols.  There is but one god, and that is the Democratic Party.  Our Founders, conservatism, Christianity, patriotism, family, and community, are the devil’s spawn.

Thou shalt advocate change.  Injustices and oppressions must be dealt with and eliminated -- now!  And should our activism lead to immigration chaos, inflation, increasing crime, homelessness, energy dependency, and ideological civil war, we must just accept these as consequences of seeking immediate gratification in pursuit of the moral high ground.

Thou shalt not abandon thy faith.  Until adherence to its tenets start affecting you personally.  If urban crime, migrant invasions, homelessness, and COVID mandates begin to impose on your lifestyle, time to move out to a rural red state -- taking of course your BLM poster and rainbow flag with you.

Thou shalt be united in purpose.  Only groupthink can suppress the specter of nonconformity that might result from critical, independent thinking.  Adhere only to the sermons of the MSM, which ignore or deny any adverse outcomes of the liberal scripture.

Thou shalt follow the science.  The universe was created by the Big Bang.  No, the Big Bang was a redistributive, not a creative, event.  Masks will protect you from COVID. 

Thou shalt decry capital punishment.  Unless it’s of viable fetuses.  Dispensing with them facilitates the perpetuation of irresponsible behavior, cultural decay, and family breakdown that necessitates welfare dependency and party loyalty in the oppressed.  And then there’s always Jeffrey Epstein, Vince Foster, etc.

Liberal activism, especially since the advent of woke progressivism, has evolved into an atheistic, fundamentalist “religion.”  Fundamentalism involves strict ideologic adherence, conformity, and maintenance of an in group-out group distinction.  At its core are ideological lay preachers who confer eternal damnation onto those heretics and apostates who challenge its self-appointed role of secular clergy.  Its apostles -- media, academia, HR departments -- are driven by self-righteous, prejudicial, vengeful hypocrisy.  Liberal dogma knows no compromise.  Nonconformists must be silenced, forcibly if necessary.  Its dogma mirrors that of radical Islam: follow the teachings of Allah, or we will behead you.

Liberalism has embarked upon a crusade against a heretical Western culture, disingenuously rallying its faithful in a holy war to banish the apostasy of oppressive white male supremacy, which it intends to replace with its own realm as self-appointed messiah.

Image: Public Domain

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