Trump? A dictator! Biden? Perish the thought!

Salon says Trump will be a dictator for talking about what Biden is already doing, so isn't Biden a dictator by their standards and shouldn't he resign?

Salon claims to be "pro-democracy, pro-equality and justice and pro-truth."  Being like every other leftist cabal, wanting to choose who wins instead of the voters, that's this magazine's twisted idea of "democracy." 

For reference, this is the 'pro-truth' publication that once asserted that "Republicans claim to fear left-wing authoritarianism — but there's no such thing."  While this "pro-truth" publication is all for persecuting the political enemies of the fascist far left, talk of returning the favor with the corrupt Biden crime family has them projecting this as a result:

Trump plans to become a dictator — denial will not save you

Donald Trump is a dictator in waiting. Like other dictators, he is threatening to put his "enemies" in prison — and to do even worse things to them. These are not idle threats or empty acts of ideation: Donald Trump is a violent man who is a proven enemy of democracy and freedom.

These threats of violence against his enemies are part of a much larger pattern of violent and dangerous behavior that is only growing worse as he faces criminal trials and the possibility of going to prison for hundreds of years.

In the most recent example, Donald Trump told Glenn Beck during an interview last week that he is going to put President Biden and other "enemies" in prison when he takes by the White House in 2025.

"[T]hreatening to put his "enemies" in prison" certainly has a familiar ring, doesn't it?  Especially if you've checked in on the nation's socialist news media the past few months or seen the mugshot the fascist far left would like to pretend doesn't exist.

This is a classic case of the national socialist media projecting way past their limitations, because they're losing their collective minds over mere talk.  Their brethren are actively working to do just what they are warning about.

So doesn't that make Biden a dictator by the Salon standard?  It is, after all, a "pro-truth" publication, so shouldn't it be condemning Herr Biden just the same, or is it that infamous "Democratic" double-standard at work?

Maybe we can help Salon's people out and confirm their assessment of the situation by looking at the typical actions of dictators to see how they match up with the Biden regime.

Dictators usually act on their own through executive actions, such as Biden buying votes through student loan payoffs with other people's money.

Dictators often suppress human rights, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press.  Biden owes his election to the suppression of the press regarding the Hunter Biden laptop story and wanting to set up a ministry of truth

All of that sounds dictatorial, doesn't it?

Dictators often use a crisis to enhance their power base — the Reichstag fire in one case, continually exploiting a four-hour protest in another.

Finally, the main priority for every dictator: registering, taxing, and confiscating guns.  This is an obsession for Biden and every leftist since the invention of wheellock pistols.

It looks as though, by Salon's standards, Biden is a dictator.  So shouldn't this nonpartisan, pro-democracy, and pro-truth publication be calling for his impeachment and removal?

Looking back over its other screeds, you get the distinct impression that Salon doesn't care what we think.  By its own standards, Biden is a dictator, assisted by the rest of his regime.  But these people don't care.

A saying from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn comes to mind: "To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good."  They believe they are doing "good," so it doesn't matter if they are evil — even once in a while.

As Andrea Widburg wrote recently, "[s]ince 1791, the world has never ceased fighting these two revolutions: Individual liberty versus "my party gets to be the new tyrant."  They won, by hook or by crook, so they get to be the new tyrant — filling in the blanks in justifying why they should keep a death grip on power.

They've rationalized and convinced themselves that President Trump is an existential threat or something, so they can do anything to stop him. 

That means they are extremely dangerous, and it puts them on the wrong side of history.

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites. Find him on Substack.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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