Your Saturday feelgood video: Police dog attempts CPR

I make no secret about being a dog lover, so please indulge me, or else click away if you don’t appreciate Man’s Best Friend.

The tweet (or X) below comes with no context provided, but I infer that this was part of a demonstration at a public event where the Madrid Police revealed what their police dogs have been trained for. It looks very much like this dog has been trained to impact the chest of someone lying helplessly on the ground, as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) until human help can arrive. Seconds count, and dogs can outrun cops reaching a person in need.

See what you think:

I don’t anthropomorphize animals and claim that this dog was acting out of compassion. It was doing what it was trained to do. But the fact that dogs are so readily trainable and that they want to please their humans (unless abused) demonstrates their unique inter-species role. Dogs are a great blessing to humanity, and the fact that human intervention evolved them from wolves only emphasizes depth of the relationship between our two species.

It is a great shame that Islam teaches adherents to despise dogs as unclean.

Photo credit: X

hat tip: Weird Dave, Ace of Spades HQ

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