A military dissent: Invisible Treason in America

Recently, a consortium of conservatives and retired general officers published Invisible Treason in America. Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney is a retired USAF three-star general who graduated from West Point and was a fighter pilot during multiple tours of duty in Vietnam, a senior commander, and later a military analyst for Fox News and other organizations. Major General Paul Vallely is a retired two-star general who graduated from West Point, served multiple tours of duty in Vietnam, and continues to serve as a military analyst for Fox News, Newsmax, and other entities. Both bring decades of passion, wisdom, and patriotism to this treatise on the culture war in America.

The book touches on numerous potential and unethical influences on contemporary American society. From concerns about suppression of elections to overt censorship and punitive actions against political dissent, our government has been evolving into something the Founding Fathers had fervently attempted to prevent. Some information comes from interviews. Other points of discussion come from the best analysis possible based on government suppression of information and collusion with social media to stifle public discussion on matters crucial to our way of life. The fact that the federal government and social media prohibited and, in many cases, criminalized mere discussion of elections is counter to everything a free state stands for. Public fear of questioning election integrity to avoid violent government sanctioned reprisal is a characteristic of totalitarian regimes such as Communist China and Nazi Germany, not America. But that is the country we are rapidly becoming. The truth must be found and made available for all Americans. Our country’s survival depends on it.

“How have we come to be considered enemies by those who govern us?”

Admittedly, this book has a strong bias towards Christianity and Republican politicians. But even readers from other religious backgrounds and political views would find the book fascinating to read. The core argument is that forces antithetical to the Constitution are destroying our country from the inside out. Even if only a fraction of what is alleged in the book is true (when/if information is released about government actions), readers who value freedom and democracy should be concerned. The writers make the best argument they can with the limited data available -- this evidence of information suppression should alarm readers whether they agree with the writer’s viewpoints and conclusions or not. This affects all Americans and should stimulate universal concern and a thirst for answers from the government, media, and other implicated parties. Even those who may dismiss the authors out of hand as election deniers and fringe conspiracy theorists cannot deny that uninvestigated election irregularities, censorship, and ideological influence threaten our republic.

“America and its citizens have witnessed a betrayal in our blessed country for several decades. Hostile acts by foreign and domestic enemies have focuses on fundamentally changing America forever and dismantling its traditions, values, and rights so eloquently stated in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.”

Discussions like these must be had if our country is to survive. In the fields of government, military matters, and public health, increasingly the public is being forced to accept a paternalistic leadership style that is often not in the best interest of the American people. The government serves the people, not the other way around. Until the equation is righted towards the original intent of our Founders, books like Invisible Treason in America need to be published, read, and discussed.

John Hughes, MD, (www.americandoctor.org) is the author of American Doctor -- Coming Home to War and a writer on medical and military matters. He is a 1996 West Point graduate, veteran of Haiti/Iraq/Afghanistan, and is a practicing Emergency Physician. He is a contributor to CDMedia and Armed Forces Press, has been featured in Real Clear Defense, Washington Examiner, and American Thinker, and has been a medical expert for Epoch Times. He is a leader in the MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates and a member of STARRS.US.

Image: John D. Trudel

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