Apparently being America first makes you an isolationist

The media and other Democrats are saying that President Trump’s foreign policy was isolationist, which is a lie.  Being for America first is not isolationist.  From a Yahoo News piece yesterday, which declared that the conflict between Israel and Hamas is “testing” the GOP’s “isolationist shift” which essentially means, the MAGA wing fighting back against the Establishment.  See below:

But under former President Donald Trump’s leadership, the GOP has moved sharply away from its long-standing support for a muscular foreign policy. In last fall’s midterm elections, for example, 56% of voters for Republican candidates said the U.S. should take a less active role in world affairs, according to AP VoteCast.

The Abraham Accords were peace negotiations and made the Middle East a safer place for everyone.  How is that isolationist?

How was moving the embassy in Israel isolationist?

Pulling out of the dangerous Iran nuclear agreement was not isolationist.  It was smart for the U.S. and the world.  Funding Iran so it can fund terrorism is stupid and dangerous for the world.

Telling NATO to pay their obligations was not isolationist. It was their agreed upon contribution, and was meant to make the alliance stronger, not weaker. Shouldn’t Europe take a bigger role in protecting their continent than the U.S.?

Telling Germany to stop depending on Russia for their energy is not isolationist.  It was prescient advice.

Catering to China is dangerous.  The tariffs were meant to (and did) make America stronger and China weaker.

Pulling out of the worthless Paris agreement was not isolationist.  The agreement hogtied America’s economy, giving others an advantage; it let China do whatever it wanted, so it did.

Having secure borders is not isolationist.  It is necessary for countries to remain safe.

The world was far safer when Trump was president than it is with the buffoons we have now.  I would challenge the media to explain exactly how Biden’s policies have made the world safer than it was under Trump.

Putin attacked Ukraine while Obama was president, and while Biden is president — the common denominator is Ol’ Joe — but not during Trump’s tenure.

Why didn’t the media refer to Biden as being an isolationist when he handed over Afghanistan to the Taliban?

Why would we trust the Biden administration to control the climate when they had no idea that Israel was going to be attacked despite years of preparation?

Apparently, isolationism to the media just means being against constant foreign intervention and forever wars, and being against the complete bankruptcy of America and her citizens to launder money back to those in power.

It is truly a shame that the goal of the media every day is to parrot Democrat talking points and destroy Trump.

How does that make the world safer?

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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