Barbarism: Tunisia protestors torch historic synagogue

Not too many hours ago, the media and the Hamas apologists were deploring a rocket strike on a historic Greek Orthodox church in Gaza.

Israel was blamed, of course, though there was no confirmation at the time that Israel did it.

Here's a sample of the news as reported by the Daily Beast:

An explosion was reported at the Church of St. Porphyrius in Gaza City on Thursday night, according to both Gaza’s interior ministry and the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem. The church, one of the oldest in the world, was reportedly sheltering several hundred displaced Palestinians at the time of the blast.

The ministry, which is controlled by the Hamas militant group, was quoted by AFP as saying the explosion left a “large number of martyrs and injured.”

Witnesses at the site told The Wall Street Journal that rescuers were digging through rubble, pulling out people, some of whom had sustained injuries. Majdy Jildah, a refugee at the Greek Orthodox church, said he believed a child had been killed.

The Palestinian news agency WAFA also reported that a young girl was dead and “many others” injured at the compound. The church’s facade reportedly sustained damage as well, and at least one adjacent building is believed to have collapsed., 

Here's the New York Times, which gave it a lot of play, too:

An Israeli airstrike hit the grounds of the historic Saint Porphyrius Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza City, which was sheltering displaced people, on Thursday night, according to church officials and witnesses.

The church compound, comprising a chapel, seven buildings and a courtyard, was full of Christian families from the Gaza Strip, witnesses said. They said the airstrike happened around 7:30 p.m., when dinner was being distributed.

Videos and images from the scene showed rescuers digging through rubble, working with flashlights late Thursday and into Friday. The chapel was not struck.

The Gazan health ministry, which is controlled by Hamas, said at least 16 people were killed and many others were still buried under rubble. The death toll could not be independently confirmed.

There was plenty of condemnation on all sides, and Israel, to its credit, took responsibility just now. It was an accidental hit as the target was a Hamas ammo station nearby, not a deliberate strike, and far from flatten the church, damaged but didn't destroy it, and yes, with some loss of life.

Far less reported, though, is the news that came out earlier today -- that a historic synagogue in Tunisia was deliberately set on fire by Palestine Hamas demonstrators:

Rioters in Tunisia reportedly attacked an ancient synagogue in the city of Al Hammah as a pro-Palestinian demonstration erupted out of control on Tuesday.

The Jerusalem Chronicles reports that the targeted synagogue, which no longer houses active worship but does house the tomb of the 16th-century Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef Ma’aravi, was vandalized and set on fire by hundreds of protesters, as documented in social media videos and photographs.

Why is one getting big front-page play, while the other, which was completely destroyed, is not?

Image: Twitter screen shot


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