Biden to blame for the Ukraine confusion

To be upfront, I support aid to Ukraine.  At the same time, I've never seen a president so incompetent in a matter of national security.  In fact, Biden’s incompetence has him assuring the allies that the money is coming even though the Congress said no.  The President is on the phone and our allies must be wondering what in the world is going in his administration.  

This is the story:

The Biden administration is “scrambling” to try to assure U.S. allies that American aid to Ukraine will continue despite growing Republican opposition to it, according to a report.

Four sources told Axios that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken plan to call several of their counterparts in Europe and will hold a conference call with leaders of the G7 countries and several other European allies.

A European diplomat told the outlet that the Biden administration told allies it is working on an agreement with Congress to allow continued military aid to Ukraine.

Again, I support helping Ukraine but my patience is wearing out because the Biden administration looks confused.  Furthermore, the American people don't know what the heck is going on because the President has never spoken to the nation explaining why Ukraine matters but the border with Mexico doesn't.

As someone once said, all politics is local and Ukraine ain't local, especially when the border is a mess or thugs attack a U.S congressman or gangs break into stores to steal whatever is inside or gasoline is too high and shopping for food is a devastating experience.

Maybe the President of Ukraine, or one of our allies, should remind President Biden that Americans need some explanations about sending billions overseas.

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Image: DonkeyHotey

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