Biden's open border

President Biden’s open border is an open invitation to unvetted Jihadists yearning to victimize Americans.  Per Reuters, over 10,000 illegal aliens cross the U.S. border daily.  Trump has pointed out for some time now that Biden’s open border is “the crime of the century,” since it is responsible for the fact that many countries are emptying their prisons and helping their criminals to escape to America: “They are emptying their jails into our country.  They will destroy our country -- all because of a rigged election.”

Jihadists, aka Islamic Holy Warriors, are also coming across.  How could they resist an invitation like the border Biden has been holding open?  The Washington Examiner reported the following in March of 2023:

In January, The Center Square reported on 38 known or suspected terrorists [KSTs] apprehended in the first three months of fiscal 2023.  But the newly reported CBP data shows the number is nearly 10 times greater.  This fiscal year through February, 70 KSTs were apprehended between ports of entry at the southern (69) and northern (1) borders, according to the data.  During the same timeframe, agents apprehended 214 KSTs at ports of entry: 176 at the northern border and 38 at the southern border…

The Examiner report begs the question: How many terrorists -- unknown, as well as known -- have made it across Biden’s Jihadist-friendly border unapprehended?

In light of the coordinated efforts by Hamas and Hezb’allah against Israel, it has become more than a criminal act to leave the U.S. border unsecured; it has become an act of complicity in the facilitation of the global Jihad -- an anti-Semitic act that will harm not only Jews, but their non-Jewish friends as well.  According to the American Military News, “A former leader and founding member of Hamas, Khalid Mashal, reportedly called for a global Jihad on Tuesday, asking Muslims around the world to target the people of Israel.”  So, all of a sudden, Joe Biden’s open border has become more than a threat in theory; it has, in all actuality, become a significant and substantial danger to all Americans -- for war is never clean, and collateral damage is always a messy reality.

So, Jihad-loving Muslims who hate the Jews and their friends enough to cheer for Holy War right here in America is not some theoretical idea that Trump and his supporters only imagine.  These people are real, and their numbers have only grown during the open-border presidencies of Obama and Biden.

The unconscionable consequence of Obama and Biden’s allowing countless deadly criminals and anti-Semitic Jihadists entry into the American homeland is this: All Americans – no matter their religious views or affiliations -- have been put equally at risk of losing life and limb as the result of this treasonous abetment of murderous criminality and Holy War. 

Paul Dowling has written about the Constitution, as well as articles for American Thinker, Independent Sentinel, Godfather Politics, Eagle Rising, and Free Thought Matters.


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