Biden’s remarks on Hamas and Israel are tone-deaf and beyond insulting

How much can Joe Biden and his administration really support Israel when both he and Obama spent most of the past decade working to give Iran, which pledges death to Israel and America, access to hundreds of billions of dollars?

Biden didn’t say a word about Iran in his “tough” speech.

Hamas and other terrorist groups would not have the money or the weapons to attack and behead Israelis and Americans if not for the generosity of the Obama and Biden administrations and other culpable European countries.

Aside from the fact that Biden and Obama lined filled Iran’s coffers, Biden also restored funding previously eliminated by Trump to a United Nations group that allegedly provided Hamas terrorists a safe haven:

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which is responsible for helping Palestinian refugees but reportedly has harbored those who want to harm Israel, has received more than $730 million from the Biden administration.

The restored funding push under President Joe Biden came despite a 2021 State Department report noting the agency had allowed Hamas terrorists to build tunnels under its schools and to stockpile weapons ‘in or near’ other facilities, the New York Post reported Tuesday.

Most of the media will ignore all of the funding that Biden and Obama gave to Iran, and therefore the terrorists. Always pay attention to what Biden and Obama do, not what they say. Words are meaningless without actions.

Also, Biden neither said a word about the Squad members who have been anti-Israel for years, nor did he say a word about all the support for terrorists at universities—Rashida Tlaib apparently had “no comment” when asked to condemn “terrorists chopping off babies’ heads.” Who are the real anti-Semites?

Jake Tapper said he had no idea there was antisemitism on the left; that is a willful blindness because the media intentionally misleads the public that Democrats are pure as the driven snow.

David Ignatius writing for The Washington Post called Hamas a “formidable” and “technologically sophisticated foe” — but maybe Ignatius and WaPo should admit that the only reason Hamas is a “formidable” and “technologically sophisticated foe” is because of the generosity and leniency Obama, Biden, Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, and others gave/give to terrorist groups and regimes around the world.

But, Biden and the Justice Department are much more focused on Trump and his supporters and frequently call them terrorists while turning a blind eye to real terrorists in the Middle East that also threaten the United States. Heck, Garland even equated parents at school board meetings to terrorists!

Why don’t the leftists protest the actions of Mexican cartels at the border, or how brutal China is with its political and cultural dissidents? Because they don’t actually care about injustice—they’re simply pawns for the powers that be.

Image: Adam Schultz, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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