Black Lives Matter group issues a non-apology

A few days ago, Black Lives Matter-Chicago put out a tweet touting its support for Hamas, featuring a cutesy graphic of a Hamas paraglider reminiscent of a children's book illustration:

News came out that the dirtbags on those whimsical paraglides were invading Hamas terrorists, coming down to massacre 260 people attending a concert, and then made house-to-house raids of people in their homes to bring that total above 1,000. They openly raped women and paraded their naked bodies around on truckbeds for their cell phone denizens to spread on the Internet. They took hundreds of hostages, then murdered many such hostages, and literally beheaded babies in their cribs.

They are the maggots of the earth and certainly lower than dirt, the kind of losers who choose Hell over Heaven and are certainly headed that way. You get what you vote for, comrade.

But BLM Chicago passing around that whimsical paraglider graphic designed as though it belonged in a Winnie the Pooh or The Little Prince children's storybook didn't go over well. Like a lot of these creeps since the news of the atrocities broke, they were reviled, and they backtracked -- deleting the tweet and claiming to apologize --- but they did it in the most repulsive way possible:

Well, they were proud of them the day earlier. Today they are not proud of them. But I don't see any apology there. All I see is another apologia for Hamas violence "the people who do what they must to live free." without mentioning Hamas. They must have gotten that line from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who, when asked about filthy, destructive, illegal vandalism at historical sites, replied "people do what they do."
After that crap excuse for an apology, they got busy with insults.
They don't sound too sorry here:
They bragged that their non-apology was good for their recruitment. This tells us a lot about the kind of people they attract:
Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter, the national organization with all the corporate donations and mansions for its elites, disavowed them, claiming they couldn't control the Chicago site and in any case, it was just one person, opting to protect that one person's identity from scrutiny, and claiming they hadn't said anything at all.
(A survey of the BLMChicago Twitter photos shows that it's more than one person).
Which was strange stuff. Obviously, someone pressured the Chicago creep to make his non-apology. Something made the Chicago fool make his aping imitation of an apology because it was clear he didn't want to do it. It quite likely could have been BLM, whose stance was officially neutral rather than openly pro-Hamas. If it wasn't BLM, who was it?
It's a classic case of a fake apology, while the support for Hamas is clearly credible. Terrorism and street rioting, which BLM specializes in, have a lot of intersectionalkity -- the terrorists have borrowed crime tactics such as motorcycle-mounting spray shootings. BLM or its allies have employed terror tactics such as intimidating juries who rule against them. Hamas and BLM would seem to go hand in hand, so of course apologizing, or just basically condemning Hamas, as all legitimate groups do, would be impossible. They would disavow themselves if they disavowed Hamas.
So every apology is fake. Nobody should believe this one from the Chicago group.
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