Rep. Jamaal Bowman does the 'insurrection' thing

In the latest instance of congressional Democrat decorum, wokester-socialist Rep. Jamaal Bowman was filmed pulling the fire alarm in the halls of Congress just as the House was set for a vote on a continuing resolution budget bill, which the Democrats didn't want passed.

According to the New York Post:

On Saturday, in a move that shamed his party, his delegation and the state of New York, Bowman pulled a fire alarm at the Capitol as his party tried to delay a House vote on a stopgap spending bill.

Pulled a fire alarm.

It was as dangerous as it was immature. 

Bowman, a socialist who represents the north Bronx and south Westchester County, already is one of the biggest blowhards in Congress, calling anyone who disagrees with him —including West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a fellow Democrat — a white supremacis

He went full "high school" on the official proceeding, blatantly disrupting it, which isn't surprising, given that he used to run a charter middle school in the Bronx where fire alarms were abundant and he would have known exactly what they were. He probably got the idea for it just from being around a lot of middle schoolers. 

Such an asset to the Democrat party.

But this is how a lot of them act, the most recent instance of which was in a Tennessee statehouse where at least two Democrats initiated a ruckus to stall a vote on gun ownership and were temporarily expelled. There have been others. They always escape consequences.

And right now, with a House investigation launched as to this interference in an official proceeding, as well the yelling of 'fire!' in the equivalent of a crowded theatre, and the illegal pulling of the alarm, the excuse-making has begun, starting with Bowman himself:

"Today, as I was rushing to make a vote, I came to a door that is usually open for votes but today would not open. I am embarrassed to admit that I activated the fire alarm, mistakenly thinking it would open the door," Mr Bowman said in a statement.

He added that he was not "in any way, trying to delay any vote".

"It was the exact opposite - I was trying urgently to get to a vote, which I ultimately did and joined my colleagues in a bipartisan effort to keep our government open."

 Anybody believe him? The latest news, from Breitbart, has it that he even was caught on camera pulling down emergency signs before he pulled the switch. A poll should be conducted of six year olds to see if they know what a 'fire' alarm is for and let's see how it compares to Bowman's claims. It's doubtful anyone believes an excuse that lame. Some Republicans in Congress are already preparing a resolution to expel him.

But he's also got pals making excuses for him:



MSNBC was out excusing him.

There's also a report, unconfirmed, that Sen. Mitt Romney is defending his act as inadvertant. I hope it's not true. What is confirmed is that Bowman assured the world that Romney is a racist. It would be just like Mitt to suck up to a guy like that.

And in any case, why does it matter that he claims he was all mixed up and didn't know what a fire alarm was, despite its clear markings? He pulled the trigger.

Didn't a cop in Minnesota get sent to the can for mistakenly using her gun on an uncooperative suspect when she thought it was a taser? The jury in her case didn't care that it was an accident. She got the book thrown at her. That's the law and the way it's enforced now.

And more to the big point -- didn't the January 6 defendants get maximum punishments along with a string of judicial and human rights abuses, such as excessive time in prison without trial, bad food, zero blankets, continuous solitary confinement and taunting, politically motivated prison guards, all for disrupting an official proceeding; draconian punishments of one, two, three decades long, and at least one of them wasn't even at the Capitol during the disruption. At the time, Democrats claimed it was all necessary because this was an "insurrection" and a "threat to democracy."

Well, then, so was Bowman.

If Bowman and his spinmeisters succeed in getting his juvenile-minded bounder off the hook for his dereliction of duty, why are the January 6 defendants in prison at all? Does the law just apply to Republicans? Are Democrats above the law? A lot of the January 6 defendants are in prison now because the Capital Hill cops opened the doors to the Capitol and invited them in, which is far less culpable than deliberately pulling down a fire alarm in a crowded congressional proceeding to disrupt it.

Nobody invited Bowman to pull the fire alarm down, thinking he was off-camera.

But standards are different for Democrats.



Republicans should absolutely demand that Bowman pay the full price the January 6 defendants did, or else everyone gets out of the can now. There can't be two standards of justice based on one's party loyalty. What Democrats don't like is that they set these rules and now are faced with the prospect of having to live by their own rules. Make them pay, or let the shaman's pals out now.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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