CNN's claims about Gaza are loaded with canards

What is with CNN and its reporting on Israel's military operation to take out Hamas in Gaza? Its reporting is littered with cliches and canards.

Here is an obvious one:

CNN claims Gaza is an "open air prison" with, by implication, Israel the oppressive jailer.

But Gaza is not an "open-air prison" as CNN reporters have said several times on their programming. If it's an open-air prison, how do they explain the thousands of rockets, drones, attack boats, paragliders, automatic rifles, and other sophisticated equipment that the Hamas terrorists were able to bring in?  Does a prison exist where it is possible to sneak in that kind of weaponry? Doesn’t CNN understand that they are aiding and abetting not to mention inflaming pro-terrorist supporters with their terrorist-supportive rhetoric? 

And each time CNN claims Israel has a barrier between it and Gaza (they call it a blockade), they should remember to include Egypt as doing the same, reminding their viewers that Israel placed barriers up to protect from incidences that they sadly were unable to stop this past week. The original barriers were only put up after the Palestinian terrorism began.

One last point: News services like CNN like to say that Gaza is one of the most densely populated places on earth, as if fact. Just in the Middle East, Jerusalem is more dense; Cairo, Baghdad and Teheran are also more dense. One can’t help but wonder if news services ever do any research anymore.

Image: Logo, via Wikipedia // public domain

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