Democrats: Americans have 'too much freedom'

An old adage is that “the truth will set you free.”  Well, many of today’s demented Dems are not particularly fond of the truth or freedom.  Indeed, a recent poll released by RealClearPolitics shows that over one-third of Dems believe Americans have “too much freedom.”

Maybe criminals have too much, but not law-abiding citizens.

Dems "defund police policies" and criminal coddling are producing consequences reminiscent of the movie The Purge.  Criminal activity therefore becomes legal, producing a dystopian society where Hobbesian motifs prevail:  life outside society is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.  Not too different from some dysfunctional Dem-run cities, in other words.

Actually, it is in an unfettered state of nature where there’s potentially too much freedom.  Big brutes may impose their will on weaklings where one has the “freedom” to swing one’s fist with reckless, uncivil abandon.

In civil society, emerging from a limited government deriving powers from a social contract, one still has some freedom to swing.  However, it ends right in front of someone else’s proboscis.  Or anywhere that might cause injury, for that matter.   

While upstanding citizens can have too much freedom in the Dem’s convoluted world, apparently criminals cannot have enough.  No wonder they espouse truthiness over truth -- they want to limit freedom for the rest of us while aggrandizing government, except the components that “protect and serve.”  The inmates are running the asylum, which is ironic since Dems wallow in victimhood so much.

We don’t need Leviathan to avoid Hobbes' state of anarchy, but limited government is necessary for freedom to flourish, perhaps even enabling the better angels of our nature.  Its main purpose is to thwart “might makes right” lawlessness.

Too much freedom?  That’s implausible. It is freedom that induces a higher state of consciousness and leads to enlightenment.  It is freedom that facilitates ingenuity, innovation, and industry.  In short, it is freedom that leads to human progress.  In that sense, conservatives who promote individual liberty over government aggrandizement are more “progressive” than leftists. 

But one can see why so many Dems were reluctant to “back the blue,” and want to restrain freedom for everyone except anarchists and other thugs.  After all, many are compliant automatons mindlessly trudging along on autopilot for fear of being cancelled.

For example, the hideous Hillary Clinton wants to deprogram what she bizarrely describes as the Trump cult members.  She needs to look left, where a collective of cults are riddled with mind-numbing compliance.  They include:  the DEI cult, the central planning cult, cultish climate activism, the transgenderism cult, the cult of death, the cult of censorship, the MSM cult, the PC cult, and the cancellation cult.

Benjamin Franklin once said that, “Those who give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”  Based on their chaotic policies, today’s leftists deserve neither until they promote a vibrant marketplace of ideas vibrating in civil society underpinned by “consent of the governed.”

Too much freedom?  Patrick Henry’s clarion call still reverberates after hundreds of years:  “Give me liberty, or give me death.”

Image: National Archives

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