Dressing up as ‘Hakeem Election denier’ for Halloween

Let me alert you:  I am planning to dress up as Hakeem Jeffries and knock on your door saying that Trump was an illegitimate president.  Why Jeffries?  Let me tell you:

Did you know this?

Hakeem Jeffries -- the new leader of House Democrats -- is a massive election denier -- just like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and so many other Democrats.

Here are 13 times Jeffries denied election results.

Jeffries said, "there is a cloud of illegitimacy around the election of Donald Trump" because of the "fake news industry.”

Jeffries said the “legitimacy” of the 2016 presidential election was “in doubt.”

Jeffries claimed there is “a cloud of illegitimacy… hanging over” the Trump White House.

Jeffries tweeted “the more we learn about 2016 election the more ILLEGITIMATE it becomes.”

Jeffries said “there is clearly a cloud of illegitimacy hanging over 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue that’s growing bigger by the day.”

Jeffries claimed Republicans “cheat[ed]” in the 2016 presidential election.

Jeffries suggested multiple congressional seats were “stolen by rogue Republican operatives.” 

Jeffries suggested Trump was an “illegitimate president” or a “Russian asset.”

Jeffries claimed Russia “artificially” put Trump in the White House.

Jeffries said there was a "cloud of illegitimacy that continues to hang over" the Trump presidency.

Jeffries tweeted “the cloud of illegitimacy hanging over 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. grows stronger by the day.”

Jeffries accused Republicans of “trying to steal the [2020] election.”

Jeffries said “history will never accept” Trump “as a legitimate President.”

Wow.  I have 13 different ideas that I can promote from home to home.  I will bring 3x5 cards to share the information with people dropping a treat in my bag.  Someone will ask me about my costume and I can cite examples of how Jeffries denied the election.

Of course, the larger issue is that "election denial" is a one-way street these days.  It's okay for Democrats to question the Bush election and reelection in 2000 and 2004.  And of course there was 2016 and everything that followed that, from Hollywood actors encouraging electors not to vote for Trump to stories about Russia based on people familiar with the investigation.

See you Halloween!

P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.

Image: Picryl

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